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Cupping Therapy, could actually cure the disease?

Cupping Therapy, could actually cure disease?


In the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, swimmer Michael Phelps of the United States had become a byword. Not only because of his achievements that have won the gold medal, but also former reddish spherical adorning his back and shoulders. Phelps apparently preferred cupping therapy also celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow.

In addition to Phelps, a number of athletes from the United States also liked the ancient therapy. Cupping therapy is a form of alternative therapy by placing the cups on the skin to pull the skin. The glass can be made from various types of materials, for example, or a shard of glass, bamboo or pottery.

Those who tried cupping therapy believe, this method can increase blood flow to help cure many medical ailments.

In general, the Western medical community is skeptical of the health claims of cupping therapy. "The scientific evidence available doesn't support the bruise as a cure for cancer or other diseases," says the American Cancer Society.

But, reported by WebMD a 2012 study published in the journal PLoS ONE indicates that the cupping therapy may indeed have more benefits than just a placebo effect.

Australian and China researchers reviewed to the 135 study of cupping therapy, published between 1992 and 2010, concluded that cupping therapy may be useful when combined with other treatments such as acupuncture or drugs in curing various diseases and conditions, such as:

  • Herpes zoster
  • Acne
  • Paralyzed face
  • Cervical Spondylosis

But the researchers admit that maybe some of the studies they examined, still contains biased and need to do further research.

Meanwhile, according to the American Cancer Society, just relying on this treatment and delay or avoid conventional medical treatments for cancer, should not be done, because it may lead to serious health consequences.

So, it is recommended for fans of cupping therapy who suffer from certain diseases, to keep seeing a doctor in modern medical science.

9 Easy Steps To Prevent Snoring

9 Easy Steps To Prevent Snoring

Prevent Snoring

Snoring is common that some people do while sleeping. For the snorer, this condition may not disturb your sleep. However, snoring can be very annoying couples while sleeping.

Otherwise, be solved, bed time which should be utilized to rest couples also became annoyed because you remove the noise.

Snoring occurs due to the vibration of respiratory structures so as to produce a sound, either soft or hard. The noise of the resulting is sometimes can be so disturbing the sense of hearing.

Snoring is usually caused by obesity, alcoholism, eating sleeping pills, certain sleeping positions, smoking, or abnormalities in the nose and throat. Especially in children, snoring can be caused by enlarged tonsils.

Maybe, this time, You haven't learned that snoring can be a sign of serious diseases, such as sleep apnea, namely sleep disorders that can make you stop breathing for a few seconds to two minutes when asleep. This makes the oxygen levels in the blood decreases so that makes you fatigue and headache the next day.

Sleep disorders are also closely related to several chronic diseases such as stroke, hypertension, obesity, and heart disease.

For the sake of maintaining the peace of couples at a time to avoid such hazards, you should soon overcome this bad habit. But should avoid drugs that claimed to be overcome because of the grunts that product has not been proven medically effective. Better coping with natural ways and easy like this:

Change the Sleep Position

Sleeping position turned out to determine whether you snore or not. According to one study, supine sleep position makes you snore. It happened because the bed with the rest on the back can make the base of the tongue and soft palate of the mouth covering the walls of the throat, causing the vibration noise while sleeping. To anticipate, try sleeping on your side.

If you are accustomed to sleeping on your back, try to put a tennis ball in a mattress or anything that could make your back feel uncomfortable when laid. Automatically, the discomfort can make you sleep sideways.

Enough sleep

Lack of sleep or have poor sleep schedule can trigger you to snore. For example, you are too busy working to forget to take enough time to sleep. When you've reached the point of exhaustion is very severe, the condition of the muscles will become less tense that makes you snore.

Avoid Alcohol and Sleep Medicine

Usually, people who have never snoring will be snoring soon after consuming alcohol. According to the study, drinking hard drinking at four to five hours before bedtime can make snoring worse. So should avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed.

Taking sleeping pills should also be avoided. Indeed, this drug may make you fall asleep quickly, but sleeping pills can make the muscles of the neck relax so make your snoring worse.

Drink a lot of water

When dehydrated, the release of mucus in the nose and soft palate becomes sticky. It can encourage you to snore. For women, ideally drink 11 glasses of water a day, while a man as much as 16 cups.

Wash Nose With Salt Water

Snoring caused by nasal congestion can be treated by opening the channels of the nasal cavity to keep it open. So they can air circulation.

If nasal flu or other things, then the flow of incoming air can turn into snoring.

To fix this, you can wash your nose with salt water solution, like sinusitis naturally at home. Or it could be the easy way, which is a warm bath before bed.

Lose Weight

Losing weight can be a way to overcome snoring. However, this can not be applied to everyone because there are some people thin is also a snorer.

This can be done if you start to snore when there is weight gain. Whereas previously you've never snore. Weight gain, particularly affecting the neck, usually would encourage you to snore.

Don't smoke

Smoking can cause nasal and lung congestion. Such conditions can lead to snoring. So stop smoking now also be free from the dangers of snoring and other cigarettes.

Keep Cleanliness Bedroom

Allergies can trigger you to snore. To minimize this, always maintain the cleanliness of your bedroom. Clean all the furniture in the room, such as beds, pillows, bedspreads, and curtains to avoid mites or fleas.

Should prevent sleeping with a pet to avoid animal dander get into your nasal cavity.

As a precaution, replace your pillows every six months to avoid mites or fleas.

Pay attention to your food

Hunger usually come without the predictable. You may feel hungry when trying to go to sleep. Try that you set mealtimes. Not until, a few hours before bed you spend on food 'weight' that contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates.
Also avoid drinking milk before bed, because it can increase the production of mucus in your mouth.

Try ways above and feel the change in yourself.

5 types of Food can Triggers Miscarriage

5 types of Food can Triggers Miscarriage


While pregnant, you should not eat carelessly. If you don't know the rules, might the fetus be stakes that are experiencing a miscarriage.

While pregnant, your body can more easily experience food poisoning. Effects that appear may also be more severe than usual. Well, so if you get pregnant before eating the food often is often associated with a trigger miscarriages and your body is fine, then it might not apply when you are pregnant.

The following 5 types of food triggers miscarriage to be avoided while pregnant:

Pineapple. The fruit of this one contains the enzyme bromelain. Enzymes are thought to be able to help soften the cervix and trigger contractions. Because of these effects, the pineapple is often thought to be the trigger you are having a miscarriage. So, it is recommended not to eat pineapple in early pregnancy.

Papaya. If consumed in conditions of immature aka young, insecure papaya consumption by pregnant women. The reason, this type of papaya contains LaTeX that might cause your body is experiencing contractions. The LaTeX may be able to function like prostaglandins and oxytocin, a hormone produced by the body to support the process of childbirth, i.e. strengthening the contraction.

However, if the papaya is ripe, the fruit is safely consumed by pregnant women. The papaya is ripe fruit a great source of fiber and folic acid is good for your body. Also, you can also find the intake of vitamins C and E from consuming this fruit.

Half-cooked eggs. Half-cooked eggs contain Salmonella, bacteria that can increase the risk of you experiencing a miscarriage. Not only is this bacteria, but the effects of miscarriage can also harm thy life.

This also applies to foods containing raw egg such as mayonnaise.

The meat was raw or half-cooked. While pregnant you are advised not to consume raw or half-cooked meat. This is done to reduce the risk of you contaminated by a parasite named Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis) that exist in the flesh. The condition can cause miscarriage or infant born death (stillbirth). In addition to containing Toxoplasma gondii, raw or half-cooked meat can also be contaminated with Salmonella bacteria.

This also applies for poultry and seafood.

Deli meat. This is a processed meat already cut into sheets. The meat is usually made stuffing for sandwiches or if you want to make a homemade hamburger. Unfortunately, these foods have been known to contain Listeria, a bacteria that can cause a miscarriage. These bacteria can enter the placenta and may be able to reach the fetus.

If you want to get pregnant while taking deli meat, make sure you heat the back of the meat until cooked.

You are strongly encouraged to not eating food on top in the first trimester of pregnancy because in this period your body vulnerable to miscarry. To be safe, you can be more consultation with your doctor about what foods to avoid while pregnant.

6 types of foods that should be avoided for your baby

6 types of foods that should be avoided for your baby

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A baby under 1-year-old to have a digestive system that is not yet perfect. Allergic reactions, susceptible to poisoning, or other bad things might befall Little. Therefore, do not be vain in the Feed on your baby.

You might think safely introduce Little with some certain foods. Moreover, if the food had often given to babies for generations in the community. However, from now beware. It could be the food you give can not be received well by the baby you are still under the age of 1 year.

These 6 types of food recommended not to be given to baby under 1 year:

  • Foods containing salt. To increase appetite, you may add salt to solid foods. However, the baby has not really need. Moreover, saltly is not good for the health of their kidneys. Also avoid giving him a special baby fast food such as cereal, because these foods contain high levels of salt.
  • Honey. Sometimes, honey contains a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum which can lead to botulism (food poisoning) in infants. Botulism is a very serious disease. Signs of infant botulism are you experiencing loss of appetite, constipation, or lethargy. These signs may be seen about 8 hours to 36 hours after eating the honey. Another reason why not give this intake because honey contains sugars that can damage teeth.
  • Foods containing sugar. Eating foods containing sugar can make teeth broken. After all, babies do not need to be added sugar in the diet. If you want to add a sweet taste in food, you can add milk, formula, or fresh fruits.
  • Saturated fatty foods. It is advised not to give him foods that contain high levels of saturated fats such as potato chips, cookies, or biscuits. To determine the levels of saturated fat in the food, you can see it on the nutrition label on the packaging.
  • Half boiled egg. Eggs can be given to infants aged 6 months and above. However, make sure you cook them thoroughly cooked. Immature eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria ultimately can cause poisoning. Avoid processed foods also gives him mixed with raw eggs such as mayonnaise.
  • Some types of fish. There are several types of fish that contain high mercury levels. These substances can affect the digestive system. Seafood should be shunned by your baby include mackerel, shark meat, fish, marlin, and swordfish.

If you ever leave 6 types of food over, from now on stop and keep the intake of your baby plate.

6 Tricks New Born Baby Skin Care

6 Tricks New Born Baby Skin Care

baby skin care
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The skins a newborn baby arguably still sensitive and prone to irritation. Therefore, do baby skin care is good and right is so important for a mother to do in times like these.

The skin condition is still very smooth and soft. So even with weak immune systems. This makes the skin could not be any contact with chemicals, baby skin care products, fragrances, dyes clothes, detergents, and even water for a shower. Dry skin, blisters, rash, or irritation may occur if the mother is not careful when applying these chemical compounds into the skin.

Well, to keep skin always healthy, the mother can do the following trick:

  • Don't be too often bathe. In this period, the baby's body is arguably not too dirty so the mother does not need too often bathe. Too often in contact with water, more than three times a week, can erode the natural oil levels in the body. In fact, the oil can keep the skin from drying.

During a month old or more, the mother can actually cleanse the body by just wiping with a wet towel as much as 2-3 times a week. Special mouth and genital area, the mother can clean it with a little water or soap plus.

It is advisable to keep your baby's skin from bar soap and bubble bath. Choose a mild liquid soap to maintain the skin moist. Liquid soap is also not a pain in the eye.

  • Protect from the sun directly. Infants under 6 months are advised not exposed to direct sunlight, especially at 10 am and 4 pm. If forced to take her mother to be exposed to the sun, the mother can apply special sunscreen baby to skin that is not wrapped in clothing. Choose an SPF 15 sunscreen containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Apply every two hours or every time he started to sweat.

  • Take care the scalp. The scalp of newborns is usually seen as dry or flaking dandruff. Or worse, his head filled with patches of skin hardening of the skin like the scales of yellowish, thick, and with oil. This condition is harmless and usually, disappears by itself after a few months.

You can scrape the shape of the head by washing their hair with shampoo every day special baby soft. Gently massage the head to help shed the scales. Then, comb wears baby comb to remove scales. After that, the mother can rinse the head with water.

  • Moisturize skin. It is advisable to apply a fragrance-free moisturizer after bathing to avoid the skin becomes dry. Products were moisturizing creams more advisable than lotions. Type of moisturizer lotion could possibly irritate baby's skin.

  • Prevent diaper rash. Infants commonly experience this condition. Little sign of diaper rash which appears reddish spots, acne spots or blisters in the diaper area. To prevent that, mothers are advised to change her diaper frequently when it is wet or dirty because of feces.

Before diapering, make sure the skin is completely dry. Use a cream or ointment such as petroleum jelly and leave to dry before putting on the diaper, it can prevent the skin becomes too wet.

  • Choose a special baby detergent. Not only clothes Small Si should be washed with a detergent of this type, but the clothes all family members are also advised to wear them as well. According to dermatologists, a rash may appear on baby's skin when in contact with anyone who comes into contact with clothes. Wash all items, including blankets, bed linen, and towels with a special baby detergent. But the split between the laundry baby clothes to adult clothes. Choose detergents that do not wear fragrances and dyes.

Caring for a newborn baby's skin takes patience because the skin is still sensitive. If Little was born with skin conditions such as eczema, mothers are advised to be extra more attention to skin care.

How To Deal With Headaches During Pregnancy

How To Deal With Headaches During Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy

Hormonal changes can cause headaches during pregnancy, such as tension headaches and migraines. But given during pregnancy, you can not eat just any intake, including medications, there are natural ways that you can do to relieve conditions that interfere with it.

Headaches during pregnancy may worsen in the first weeks of pregnancy, but you do not need to worry because this condition does not affect the fetus. Headaches can be improved or disappeared in the last six months when hormones are generally stable.

Before discussing how to deal with it, let's consider the trigger headaches in some pregnant women, especially in addition to hormonal problems.

Actually, the experts do not know exactly why some pregnant women may experience problems. However, increased production and blood flow in early pregnancy is suspected to be one of the triggers.

Possible other triggers are caffeine consumption is stopped abruptly, lack of sleep, stress, depression, hunger, dehydration, sinus disorders, fatigue, and allergies. Headaches are more likely to occur and tasted worse for those who pre-pregnancy vulnerable experience.

How to overcome

Some things might help alleviate headaches in pregnant women such as:

  • Break. You can lie in bed with the condition of the room was dark and not noisy. Then close your eyes for the body and the head feels relaxed.
  • Massage. Gently massage the head pain can also do. Or you can also ask the other person to massage your shoulders and neck to cope with the strain. If you have time to spare, you can visit a professional massage to get a foothold on the whole body relaxation.
  • Compress. You can compress the face, eyes, and forehead with a towel that has been soaked in hot water. Or you can also compress the back of the neck with a cold towel.

Pregnant women can be and is safe to consume the drug paracetamol when taken in the recommended dosage. But avoid taking any medications other headaches without a doctor's recommendation.

You can also prevent pain in the head by doing the following things:

  • Many consume water.
  • Consumption of food with small portions, but more often.
  • Avoid and manage stress well.
  • Routine physical activity, such as walking, aerobics, or sport that can relax the body like yoga.
  • Bed on time each day.
  • Avoid headache triggers, such as foods containing MSG and artificial sweeteners, smoked fish, fermented foods, smells pungent, smoke, noise, glare and excessive heat or cold.

Headaches that occur in early pregnancy is normal, but should be more alert when this condition occurs in late pregnancy. Headaches that occur late in pregnancy could be a sign that you are experiencing serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure or preeclampsia.

If left untreated, the condition develops into the risk of preeclampsia, a condition that could interfere with the development of babies in the womb and the mother gave birth process. Immediately contact your doctor if headaches while pregnant has not eased or worse.

Beware Campylobacter in your Food

Beware Campylobacter in your Food

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Most people always wash raw chicken before cooking. The reason is to clean meat.

In fact, it was wrong habits. Wash raw chicken meat does not kill germs at all, even at the risk of spreading the bacteria to the surface of kitchen furniture, clothing and utensils you.

According to the study, many people do not realize that washing raw poultry can spread bacteria and increase the risk of food poisoning in the body. The bacteria in question is campylobacter. These bacteria become one of the most common causes of food poisoning a person experiencing.

In addition to Campylobacter, raw chicken meat also potentially contain other bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, and enterococcus.

Campylobacter infection

When infected with the bacteria Campylobacter, which will be felt symptoms are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Symptoms appear two to five days after the bacteria enter the body. The condition can cause complications if infected people are children, the elderly, or those with weak immune systems such as HIV and cancer.

Complications that can occur due to Campylobacter infection are:

  • The infection spreads to other organs such as the joints, liver, and pancreas.
  • Blood poisoning or septicemia.
  • Miscarriage in pregnant women.
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome (a rare disorder that causes damage to the nervous system).

Usually, mild cases can be treated at home without needing medical treatment. However, the doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms:

  • Convulsions.
  • Vomiting more than two days or there is blood in the vomit.
  • Diarrhea for more than three days or there is blood in your stool.
  • Double vision.
  • Slurred speech.
  • Mental changes.
  • Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, sunken eyes, lack of urination.

Tips on Managing Raw Chicken Meat

Chicken meat contains high protein and many vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, and vitamin B6 are useful for the body. Do not let the "uninvited guests" have been introduced into your body. The following may be helpful tips that can be useful for cooking and storing meat chicken is still raw.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and warm water before and after touching raw chicken and cooking utensils. Use a clean towel to dry hands and turning the tap is closed.
  • Raw chicken meat does not need to be rinsed with water because of all the bacteria would die during the cooking process. Wash meat will only increase the risk of the spread of bacteria.
  • We recommend that you have separate cooking utensils for raw meat to manage the bacteria did not participate spread to other foods, such as vegetables and fruits.
  • Raw chicken should be cooked until done, not to leave the meat is still pink.
  • Make sure all parts examined maturity, especially in the legs. The section requires the longest time than others.
  • Storage of raw chicken must be considered. Always store in a clean container and sealed.
  • If you want to defrost frozen chicken meat, preferably thawed in the refrigerator rather than silence in the kitchen area. You can also dilute it by soaking in cold water if the flesh is in the plastic packaging.
  • Raw chicken meat can usually last two to three days. But if it smells, then the meat could not be consumed.
Activity washes the food is not always helpful in getting rid of germs, especially Campylobacter. Strive to cook your food to perfection as this is the most efficient way.

did Eating Chocolate during Pregnancy is Good?

did Eating Chocolate during Pregnancy is Good?

prenant woman chocolate
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A study shows that pregnant women who every day eat a small piece of chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can get the health benefits of increased blood circulation to their fetuses. Other advantages that are not less important is to reduce the risk of preeclampsia. Also, chocolate also has outstanding antioxidant potential.

Chocolate with a cocoa content (original brown beans) of the highest known to have greater health benefits as well. This type of chocolate is characterized by a relatively more bitter taste. Also, the more bitter the chocolate is also better for overall health because of lower sugar levels.

With the new findings of the active phenolic compounds in cocoa, a bad perception about chocolate consumption began to change. Since long, brown is attached to the health of the bad news because of the fat content, as well as chocolate consumption, was associated with high blood pressure, obesity, acne, diabetes, and coronary artery disease.

Meanwhile, the new findings known that consumption of chocolate in small portions in pregnant women can bring the following benefits is probable.

Lowering the risk of preeclampsia and hypertension

One study found that eating chocolate at first or third trimester of pregnancy was associated with a reduced risk of preeclampsia, and was associated with a lower risk for high blood pressure (hypertension) in the first quarter of pregnancy. Preeclampsia is itself a condition that could potentially endanger the lives, that is when the blood pressure in pregnant women suddenly increased drastically to dangerously high blood pressure. The results showed that pregnant women who regularly consume 1-3 servings of chocolate per week had a 50 percent lower risk of preeclampsia during the first trimester.

However, this study has some shortcomings that should be discussed. The first, the study interviewed pregnant women less than 16 weeks about how much they eat chocolate in the first trimester. In other words, the answer is very dependent on the memory of pregnant women who might answer is not so accurate. Secondly, the study also does not distinguish between dark chocolate and light chocolate in interviews and analysis. This may affect the results obtained.

Effects bitter chocolate consumption against the risk of preeclampsia

This study departs from the consequences of chocolate can reduce the possibility of heart disease. The researchers in previous studies claim that eating chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. Chocolate contains flavanols that are known to be linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease as well as a decrease in cholesterol levels. The darker the chocolate, the more it contains flavonols.

Meanwhile, pre-eclampsia risk factors are similar to risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, they then examined the actual no link between chocolate consumption with a reduced risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women. Research conducted on nearly three thousand pregnant women with gestational age less than 16 weeks. Although this study has been done well, have not been able to provide substantial evidence that chocolate can protect pregnant women from the risk of preeclampsia. Still, more research is needed to confirm and explain the protective effects of chocolate on the risk of preeclampsia.

For fetal growth

A different study concluded that eating 30 grams of chocolate per day during pregnancy can be beneficial for fetal growth and development. The study found a significant improvement when examination uteroplacental blood flow (uterus and placenta) using Doppler in women who eat chocolate, fine chocolate with flavonol levels of high and low. This suggests that chocolate can be beneficial to both the growth and development of the fetus, as well as the positive impact of the placenta. This increase is much larger than what is generally expected.

This enhancement effect is not solely and directly thanks to the content of flavanols in chocolate. Researchers also could not speculate on the overall effect of chocolate on the risk of preeclampsia from the study because the study subjects were only one group, the group of pregnant women who eat chocolate, so no comparison group of pregnant women who do not eat chocolate. Therefore, other studies are needed more in-depth about this.

How much chocolate can be consumed by pregnant women?

A professor of obstetrical and gynecological say that regularly eating dark chocolate in small portions since the first trimester of pregnancy may increase the function of the placenta. Small pieces in question are 30 grams a day, equivalent to only a few bites.

Eating too much chocolate is not good for pregnant women because it can increase body weight over the ideal. Also, many other nutrients need to be consumed by pregnant women, such as folate, protein, calcium and iron, so do not just stare at chocolate consumption.

Advice from experts is to eat chocolate once in a while rather than routinely. Furthermore, chocolate contains caffeine which should only be consumed in small amounts during pregnancy, not to mention high in calories and fat as well. Conclusion for pregnant women, both of which are considered at risk of developing preeclampsia or not, it must always follow the advice of their doctor to get the ideal nutrition.

Fruits and Vegetables Replenish Blood for Anemia Sufferers

Fruits and Vegetables Replenish Blood for Anemia Sufferers

healthy food

Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells decreased. Anemia can occur when a person is an iron deficient intake of daily or for certain medical conditions. You can meet the need of iron through supplements or food. There are many types of fruit and vegetables blood booster which are rich in iron, and other nutrients that can help the absorption of iron.

The iron itself is needed by the body to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is then responsible for carrying oxygen which is essential for muscle and tissue throughout the body. So iron participated keep the body from being deprived of oxygen and can function effectively.

Here are some types of fruit and vegetables consumed blood booster good for you who have iron-deficiency anemia.


Do you know? At least in 225 grams of raw spinach that contained 0.81 mg of iron. This is why the spinach into a source of iron which is excellent for you who are anemic. Not only rich in iron, but spinach also contains calcium, fiber, vitamin E, protein, and vitamin A. Not to be confused in the consumption of spinach, vegetable blood booster can be cooked in advance or be eaten raw. Because both by eating the remains will be beneficial for your body. However, it is suggested that spinach is processed first, such as boiled or sauteed. This will make it easier for the body to absorb nutrients.


There is more than 4 mg of iron contained in 200 grams of soy beans. Do not stop there; soybeans are also rich in manganese, copper, fiber, protein, amino acids, and a variety of other vitamins.


As already mentioned above, a person who has anemia also need other nutrients to help the absorption of iron. As for the needed nutrients is vitamin C. Oranges which contains enough vitamin C is believed to be good for people with anemia. You can eat the fruit is good to eat it straight or process them into juice. Things you need to remember is eating the citrus fruit at the same time by eating foods that contain iron.

Besides nuts, fruits, and vegetable blood booster above, other foods that can help you in increasing the blood include apricots, raisins, prunes are dried, kale curly, peas, grapes, broccoli, tomatoes, melons, kiwi, strawberries, and tomatoes.

Vegetable Recipes Enhancer Blood Tasty and Healthy

Now you already know what foods are good for anemia, is not it? So that your daily diet is more varied, the following is processed vegetable recipes blood booster that you might like. Pasta with tomato and spinach. Easy, tasty, and healthy.

First, prepare the ingredients you need.

  • 225 grams of spinach. Cut to taste.
  • 149 grams of cherry tomatoes. Split into two parts.
  • 400 grams of pasta that has been boiled first. There is a wide selection of pasta such as macaroni, penne, spaghetti, fusilli, small shell-shaped pasta, or Rotelli. All customized to your taste.
  • 1 tablespoon toasted pine nuts (optional).
  • Pepper, garlic, and salt to taste.

If all the ingredients are complete, the next stage, of course, cooked pasta was delicious and delights.

  • Pour the olive oil into the top of Teflon and heat. If the oil is hot, put the spinach, tomatoes, and garlic. Then saute until wilted tomato, and spinach green start light. Then, put pepper and salt to taste.
  • If the taste of spinach and tomato stir, it fits on your tongue. Now is the time to enter the pasta was boiled. Stir until well-blended pasta. Then sprinkle parmesan cheese on top, then turn off the heat. Wait until the pasta is not too hot, and then you can sprinkle the pieces of pine nuts on it.

The recipes above can be considered as a blend of fruits and vegetables are healthy. Spinach will give your body iron needed, while the vitamin C content of tomatoes will help your body more easily absorb the iron. So what are you waiting for? For those of you who have iron-deficiency anemia. Immediately consumption of nuts, fruits, and blood booster vegetable to keep the body healthy.

How to Lowering Cholesterol with Corn Oil

How to Lowering Cholesterol with Corn Oil

Choosing healthy cooking oils is not easy in the middle of the range the invasion of products in the market. Corn oil is one type of oil that You can use to avoid high cholesterol levels.

The portion that is not excessive from corn oil or oils from vegetables and other legumes is a source of healthy fat for the body.

Content of Unsaturated Fatty and phytosterol

One category of healthy oils that contain unsaturated fat single-chain and double-chain high. Corn oil, including the oil-rich unsaturated fats that can help lower cholesterol, to lower the risk of heart disease.

There are three ways of corn oil can help lower cholesterol:

  • Replacing saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids double chain.
  • Hitting Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is often called bad cholesterol.
  • Improving the ratio of LDL and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol becomes better.

Not only unsaturated fatty acid chain double course which acts to lower cholesterol levels, but also an unsaturated fatty acid single chain. Also, an unsaturated fatty acids single chain is also beneficial to maintaining the stability of insulin levels and blood sugar, thereby suppressing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Food products derived from vegetable and corn oil contain a lot of phytosterols. Substances that can contain the cholesterol, because of its ability to block the absorption of cholesterol, including LDL, in the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, the phytosterols in small quantities also have an influence on the absorption of cholesterol.

A study was conducted to compare the intake of foods containing cholesterol is treated with oil corn and corn oil that has been removed phytosterol. That eating food with corn oil without phytosterols seemed to experience an increased intake of cholesterol by up to 38 percent. Meanwhile, consuming the corn oil with phytosterols have cholesterol levels lower 12 percent.

It is proved phytosterols can reduce the absorption, as well as lower cholesterol. Likewise, margarine made from corn and materials another vegetable , can affect the levels of LDL.

The Combination Of The Use Of Oil

One of the suggestions the use of oil of an expert, namely using a combination of various types of oil to maximize its benefits to the body.

One of the factors that need to be considered is the boiling point. If the oil past the boiling point, then the oil will look smoky. If it happens, then the nutrient content will be reduced and cause an unpleasant taste on food.

For corn oil, soybean oil, and sesame oil is suitable for frying process because it has the level of high boiling point. Meanwhile, canola oil and olive appropriate to the course of sauteing in medium temperature. Then, the oil from flax seeds or walnuts, it's best served with a mixed salad or in foods without the cooking process.

For who have a problem with high cholesterol levels, can utilize corn oil as an alternative fat intake. If necessary, combine several types of other oils to get the maximum benefit

How Lowering Blood Lipid Levels without Medicine

How Lowering Blood Lipid Levels without Medicine

Blood fats, also called lipids, is a positive role in the body. Blood fat that met proteins form lipoproteins or cholesterol is essential for the body's cells for energy generation. But in conditions when high blood fat levels, then the effect can trigger dangerous diseases.

Lipoprotein alone generally can be identified into two types, namely the good cholesterol (high density / HDL) because it is useful to prevent clogging of the arteries and bad cholesterol (low density / LDL), which can increase the risk of developing a stroke or heart attack. Standard total cholesterol is 200 mg per dL.

The current condition of blood fats (lipids) and lipoproteins in the blood exceeds normal levels called hyperlipidemia. The situation has become one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Also, other numbers that need to be monitored are triglyceride levels, the type of blood fat derived from the calories "was not burnt" body. Calories are usually derived from carbohydrates and fats consumed. High levels of triglycerides in the blood called hypertriglyceridemia, also can increase the risk of heart disease.

Risk Factors and Prevention Naturally

High blood lipid levels are more at risk experienced by people who have the following factors.

  • Eating too many high-fat foods.
  • Routine taking certain medications, such as steroids, blood pressure drugs, and birth control pills.
  • Suffering from kidney disease, liver pain, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and prolonged stress.
  • Health condition is hereditary.
  • The habit of consuming alcohol.

It is important to check their blood lipid levels on a regular basis because of the high levels of cholesterol in a person's blood is not accompanied by specific symptoms. It is that high cholesterol levels can be detected and addressed from the outset.

As a precaution, many ways can be taken so that blood fat levels in the body does not soar to become a source of danger.

  • Multiply that eating lean protein that helps accelerate the body's metabolism. To obtain sufficient protein without the fat, always choose lean meats or clean up the fat before it is processed. Also, replace the consumption of red meat with fish, such as salmon or mackerel. Women need about 46 grams of daily protein intake, while men take 5 grams of protein daily. Lean protein can also be obtained from poultry meat, tofu, seafood (seafood), nuts, and low-fat milk.
  • Limit consumption of fried food. Better if the meal with boiled or steamed.
  • Remove the chicken skin before processing.
  • When eating eggs, you should avoid include egg yolks.
  • Choose milk, ice cream, cheese, and low-fat yogurt.
  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables enough to meet the needs of fiber. Vegetables high in nutrients needed by the body. Make sure you eat at least 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Choose vegetables and fruit with dark colors or bright colors because they contain more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
  • In addition to lowering blood sugar levels and blood pressure, exercising regularly contribute to increasing the levels of good cholesterol and lower triglyceride levels. Walking, swimming, cycling can be mild exercise the right choice. Strive for at least 30 minutes of regular exercise as much as 4-5 times a week. If your time is limited, do exercise for 10 minutes. Exercising regularly is also able to reduce levels of stress.
  • Avoid eating too much sugar and processed foods, such as foods made from wheat flour.
  • Avoid consumption of liquor. Liquors in calories and high sugar that can increase triglyceride levels.
  • Limit rice-based foods, such as pasta, rice, bread, candy, and cookies because the risk of slowing the body's fat burning.
  • Make the mineral water as the primary source of body fluids to meet energy needs and make fuller stomach. Avoid sugary drinks consumption, such as bottled juices and carbonated soft drinks.
  • Bed early to meet the body's need for rest. Activities sleep necessary for maintaining the body's performance is still functioning properly.

Various ways above you can do as a natural effort to manage blood lipid levels. Apart from these, there are drugs lowering blood fat levels that are generally given to those who are already at high risk for heart disease. Even so, consumption of medications without lifestyle changes is healthier still will not bring the maximum benefit.


Mayo Diet Menu To Achieve Healthy Body

Mayo Diet Menu To Achieve Healthy Body

Mayo Diet Menu
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Now there are many different types of diets to lose weight that is circulating in the community. One that is being widely discussed is the Mayo diet. What exactly is meant mayo diet and how do I apply the correct diet mayo? Let's explore.

Diet Mayo took from the book published by the Mayo Clinic, a diet that is based on research and clinical experience. This diet can change the habits become healthier and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and sleep disorders.

Long-Term Program

Keep in mind if the mayo diet is a long-term weight control is noticed overall health, so not only determine the food menu. Diet Mayo that emphasizes the changes become more healthy habits.

Diet Mayo begins with an initial period called Lose It! for two weeks. At this time five unhealthy habits replaced with a more healthy. For example, an unhealthy diet that added sugar intake, sweets, a meat dish and excessive dairy products, eating in a restaurant with no menu control and eat while watching television. Habit is replaced by eating a healthy breakfast, four servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit per day, choosing whole grains and healthy fats and exercising for thirty minutes every day.

The food pyramid as a principle in the diet mayo put vegetables and fruit as the highest consumption. Then followed with the intake of carbohydrates, meat and dairy products, and fats. While sweet foods severely restricted each day.

Mayo diet also encourages physical activity and exercise. It is intended to help the body burn calories. Starting with a duration of about 5-10 minutes and be increased gradually. Recommendations from the Mayo diet that is moderate intensity exercise of about 30 minutes per day. Such activity should be able to increase your heart rate and breathing and make the body sweat brisk walking or gardening.

Two weeks after that is the phase Live it! Currently, you have to build a more active exercise plan while making food choices and the appropriate portion of the healthy food pyramid diet mayo.

Restrictions Total Calories

There are several levels of caloric intake on a diet mayo. At the beginning of starting a diet mayo, for women with weight under 113 kg, the recommended calorie intake is 1,200 per day. Then to weigh 113-136 kg, required 1,400 calories per day, while for who weigh over 136 kg are advised to consume 1,600 calories per day.

For men, the caloric intake needed a little bigger. To weigh under 113 kg, it takes about 1,400 calories, weighing between 113-136 kg need 1,600 calories. Then to weigh more than 136 kg, will require 1,800 calories per day.

As an illustration, the intake of 1,200 calories per day consisted of 4 or more servings of vegetables, 3 servings or more of fruit, four servings of carbohydrate, 3 servings of protein or dairy products, and three servings of fat.

Here's an example of mayo diet to 1,200 calories intake:

  • Breakfast of a cup of fat-free yogurt plus a serving of fruit.
  • Lunch consisted of a single serving of pasta with a combination of tuna and vegetables and low-fat sauces complement. Complete with an orange.
  • Choosing a healthy snack is a small-sized apple.
  • Dinner in the form of green vegetables which consisted of lettuce, tomato, onion and mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of salad dressing and sauce about 2 slices of pizza with cheese topping.

Total Weight Loss

During the phase of Lose It! during the first two weeks of the diet mayo, chances are you can lose weight around 2.7 to 4.5 kg. Currently, the primary focus is on the application of new, healthy habits, such as physical activity or exercise at least 30 minutes per day.

Once that phase is completed, then you will enter the phase Live it! This step is advisable to apply a lifetime. If you consistently make healthy habits and selecting the appropriate menu and the portions are not excessive, may reduce the weight of about 0.5 to 1 kg per week. If you've arrived at your ideal weight, the move continues a habit that has been done to maintain weight through a healthy diet.

Diet mayo can be done by enjoying a variety of types and amounts of food, provided in accordance with the recommended calorie intake. This type of diet is suitable for you who want to improve their eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle to then replace them with better in the long-term period.

Before taking any dietary foods, including menu selection mayo diet, you should first consult with a physician. This is important especially if you have certain health conditions.

Find out the Benefits of the Paleo Diet

Find out the Benefits of the Paleo Diet

Diet Paleo or caveman diet is a diet method which adopts diet, prehistoric cavemen. Then, why cavemen used as a model to go on a diet?

Referenced caveman diet because they are considered to have a diet that is useful for health. Therefore, the source of food in the diet is made as closely as possible to that consumed by cavemen.

Paleo diet is considered an optimal diet for several health problems as expressed in several clinical trials, which is to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, and inflammation. The results of several clinical trials also suggest optimization of the diet is beneficial to help you lose weight, reduce acne, improve overall health and performance of the athletic body.

paleo diet benefits
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Kind of food in the Paleo Diet

Foods that are recommended to be consumed by this diet is obtained caveman food by hunting, fishing, or found in nature. In general, these foods such as meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Other foods that can be categorized as human food caves are tubers and shellfish.

Of course eating the same food consumed by caveman impossible. However, this time, the food was circulated mostly not from the wild. We used to eat a variety of foods produced by the plant, cultivated, or from crops.

Although it can not replicate one hundred percent of what is consumed cavemen, there is a modified version of today's modern food. One is used as a benchmark is a gluten-free food. Gluten itself is like a glue or adhesive which is a combination of proteins that can be found in wheat.

Food groups that qualify at the top, among others:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Nuts and seeds are free of pesticides and fungicides.
  • Low-fat meats, especially those fed grass or find their food.
  • Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna.
  • Oil from seeds and nuts, such as olive oil and walnut oil.

In the paleo diet, some food is below recommended to be avoided.

  • Assorted dairy products.
  • Lentils, peas, and peanuts.
  • Grains and potatoes.
  • Sugar
  • All packaged foods in general.

Those who do paleo diet is recommended not to consume other beverages besides water, coconut water, or an organic green tea. If you want to give a sweet taste to food, can use honey or palm sugar. Although permitted, the consumption of raw honey and palm sugar should be limited. To be sure, dieters should keep doing regular physical activity.

Who is advisable Doing this diet?

This diet is considered suitable for those suffering from diabetes. Therefore, this diet carbohydrate intakes relatively small. Food sources are allowed in this diet have a low glycemic index. These foods make the pancreas does not need to work hard so that the amount of drug required is not too much.

Also, this diet is considered suitable for diabetics because it makes a diet rich in lean protein and high in fiber so it can help control blood sugar levels and prevent weight gain. Besides good for diabetics, a paleo diet is also considered useful for preventing heart disease and other serious conditions. Diet is also predicted either to clean up toxins in the body, sharpen memory, and make connections between organs in the body for the better.

Although the diet is promising because it focuses on natural foods, due to the strict rules which might not everyone can run in a long time. Another difficulty is the diet groping what human consumption cave in time immemorial, when the circumstances then and now, of course, is much different.

The most alarming of the paleo diet is the likely culprit get nutritional imbalances and lack of certain nutrients needed by the body because this diet forbids most foods, such as grains and milk.

Atkins Diet: Beneficial, But There are risks

Atkins Diet: Beneficial, But There are risks

Atkins Diet

Various types of diets with a promise to reduce weight quickly, you should not necessarily be followed. It is advisable first to examine the potential benefits and risks, including the Atkins diet.

The Atkins diet was introduced by Robert Atkins drew from a study. However, the effectiveness of the Atkins diet to lose and maintain weight yet strong research support.

Changes Energy Resources

Reflect on the Atkins diet this time that many carbs that lead to various diseases. This diet then seeks to control the intake of carbohydrates, but eating more protein and fat instead.

To obtain energy, the body burns fat and carbohydrates. Atkins Diet regard, reducing carbs will make the process more efficient fat burning. Therefore, the body will then prioritize the burning of fat as an energy source, including fat reserves. This can encourage weight loss.

One of the benefits of the Atkins diet is effective for weight loss in the short term due to low intake of carbohydrates. Diet is also thought to help reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.

As efforts to weight loss, the Atkins diet also likely improves cholesterol levels and blood sugar. One study showed that the Atkins diet might improve blood triglyceride levels, although this effect is not known for how long.

However, in addition to the benefits, there are also risks to consider the Atkins diet due to a decrease in carbohydrate intake. Such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, or constipation.

There is also a risk that is considered dangerous when the initial phase of the Atkins diet is ketosis, due to inadequate intake of sugar for energy. The body will digest the fat deposits and produces ketones as a residual substance. Some of the symptoms complained because ketones substances that accumulate in the body, namely nausea, headaches, bad breath, as well as mental fatigue. Ketosis occurring in the long term can lead to more severe conditions such as seizure disorders intractable namely epilepsy (epilepsy can not be controlled with medication) and some types of diabetes.

Atkins Diet Phase

Unique in the early days of the Atkins Diet is to allow dieters to consume significant amounts of fat. For example, the fat from burgers, eggs, cheese and others. It is allowed for limited carbohydrates. However, it will no longer be allowed. After that, the recommended is to eat low-fat protein and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Four phases must be followed when the person carrying out the Atkins Diet:

The first step, limiting carbohydrate intake is only 20 grams per day. In this step usually weigh at most down.

A second phase began adding a little carbohydrate, especially those from berries, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. This phase should be done to the rest of the 4.5 kg of the desired weight.

The third phase allows the addition of 10 grams of carbohydrates per week of starchy vegetables and whole grains. If the weight does not go down, then reduce the intake of carbohydrates again.

The fourth phase is recommended for life that is the target of 45-100 grams of carbohydrate per day.

Although there is a presumption that the Atkins diet is helpful, that does not mean it can be applied to everyone. You are using insulin or diabetes medications and diuretics, are advised to be more careful in the Atkins diet. Meanwhile, for people with kidney disease, pregnant women and breastfeeding are not recommended Atkins diet.

Always consult a doctor or nutritionist before you try to apply the Atkins diet to lose weight.

Cupping : Types of Cupping and Side Effects

Cupping : Types of Cupping and Side Effects

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Cupping therapy is one method of treatment is carried out to remove the source of the disease from the patient's body. But now many people do bruise to maintain good health before the illness came.

Who Can Doing Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy can only be done by a therapist who is running the official training and graduated from the training. Cupping can not be done by a therapist who has never been trained as a therapeutic practice of cupping involves some ways that can cause health problems. If misplacement point was cupping, it could lead to problems of health problems and long-term risk.

Cupping methods

Each therapist can control one or two types of methods of cupping. Basically, people who want to get a bruise can choose the most convenient method. This kind of process is cupping among others:

Dry Cupping

Dry cupping is done by creating hot spots are inserted into the cup or glass cupping. The therapist will include cotton that has been burned and then turn it off quickly before the cup attached to the skin. Cupping This will make your skin becomes attracted to the glass. Effects pull the skin into the inside of the glass will get you feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Wet Cupping

Wet Cupping is done exactly as in the dry cupping. But usually not bruise using cotton that was burned in the cup. The cup will be placed at certain points of the body will then be drawn with a suction pump. Once the skin becomes more relaxed, then the Cup will be released and applied pencil needle or razor blade to make their way out of blood at the point of cupping. After that, the cup will be put back, and the air is drawn from the top of the cup. Pull the air will make the blood oozing from small wounds that have been created.
Cupping is an alternative therapy that is deemed safe and does not disturb the health. But apparently, cupping can also cause side effects. Side effects from the bruise may arise after the cupping process as well as in the long term. Here are some of the consequences of cupping is most often the case.

  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Former Bruising Skin
  • Body Very Tired
  • muscle ache
  • Hard to sleep
  • Sweat cold at night
  • Infectious disease risks
  • Increases Appetite
  • Emotions Unstable
  • Fever
  • frequent urination
  • Body odor
  • Body pain when moving
  • Changes in skin color
  • Anemia
  • Headache

Is Eating Food Combining More Healthy?

Is Eating Food Combining More Healthy?

diet food combining

Many people implement food combining as a way to eat healthier. Just what is food combining and the actual pattern is beneficial to health?

Food combining or often abbreviated FC subscribes to the theory that foods can be grouped into two categories: acid-forming foods and alkaline water forming / alkaline body. Consumption of these two food groups considered affecting levels of body's acid-base so that acidic foods such as meat and fish should not be consumed together with alkaline foods such as rice and potatoes. Carbohydrates, for example, alkaline, alkaline conditions need to be digested, so it should not be taken with acidic protein.

The theory of food combining claims to nourish the body to maintain acid-base balance in the blood levels. But until now no substantial scientific evidence could support the theory.

PH levels provide information on how high levels of acids and bases. If the pH value of 0 means entirely acidic conditions. While a pH of 14 means the condition completely alkaline and neutral pH level of 7.

It is essential for the body's pH level is maintained in the normal range is 7:35 to 7:45. If the pH of the body is under 7:35, called the blood too acidic. Meanwhile, if the body pH is above, 7.45 is too alkaline blood is drawn. Abnormal pH levels will have an impact on the function and metabolism of the body as a whole. Both organs are instrumental in maintaining the pH of the body are the kidneys and lungs.

So, what is acid-forming foods and alkaline according to this theory?

  • Acid-forming foods are rich in protein and carbohydrates such as fish, meat, milk, cheese, of seeds, and eggs.
  • While the alkaline or alkaline-forming foods are most fruits and vegetables. Fruit that tastes like citrus acid can remain categorized as a base for processing results in the body eventually is alkaline.

In addition to emphasizing the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly, eating pattern also suggests limiting consumption of packaging products, white sugar, flour contains gluten and caffeine.

However, various parties expressed disagreement with the theory of food combining. Here are a few reasons:

  • Food combining can indeed change the pH levels in urine. But there has been no research showing changes in pH levels in the blood.
  • Food combining is claimed to contribute to preventing chronic diseases because of the condition of the body is too acidic become an ideal environment for the growth of cancer. Though not cancerous tissue that forms in acidic conditions. Instead, cancer itself is causing rising levels of acidity in the body.
  • The body has natural mechanisms to create the levels of acid-base balance of the body. Therefore, some experts mentioned that food consumption could not make the body create conditions that are more acidic or more alkaline.
  • There is no definite limit to distinguish which foods that produce acid conditions and which are alkaline. For example, cheddar cheese is rich in protein and phosphorus can be categorized as an acid-forming. But cheese is also rich in calcium increase alkaline levels in the blood.
  • Food is not the only determinant of pH levels in the blood. There are many other things such as physical activity, age, and health conditions that affect, so we can not focus solely on food consumption.

Nevertheless, the principles of food combining to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates and bacon is not a bad suggestion. If you're overweight and implement food combining and a healthy lifestyle, in the long run, the weight will be more ideal. The recommended food groups and avoid in food combining can be applied to maintain a healthier body, namely: the consumption of mineral water, vegetables and fruits, and prevent the use of liquor, food packaging, and sugar is too much.

The conclusion is that the underlying hypothesis FC has not been scientifically proven to improve health care quality. However, you can implement prescriptions FC as increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits and low-fat source of protein. Due to the limited scientific evidence on diet only depends on the acidity of this, the FC should not be used as a standard diet.

Coconut Water for Health Benefits You May Not Know

Coconut Water for Health Benefits

coconut water benefits

During the day, water is certainly refreshing. But don't just plain water, no one tried to drink coconut water. Benefits of coconut water are believed to nourish the body.

Coconut water is obtained from inside young coconuts. The water is the forerunner of the contents of the white coconut. In addition to delicious consumed in hot weather, or is sweating, coconut water can also be consumed when someone is losing a lot of fluid from diarrhea. Coconut water can be an alternative of water to hydrate the body back.

Nutrient content

Various benefits of coconut water, among others:

  • Coconut water contains sugar and electrolytes to refresh naturally. Each 30 ml of coconut water contains only 5.45 calories and 1.3 grams of sugar.
  • Help meet the needs of minerals and nutrients that the body needs. Each 30 ml coconut water also contains 61 mg of potassium and 5.45 mg sodium. Also, coconut water also contains vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • According to the study, the benefits of coconut water can replace body fluids quickly. Moreover proven ability better than plain water or sports drinks.

What is the amount of consumption that is recommended?

Coconut water as a beverage daily may be considered a fruit juice. Should consume enough about one glass per day. Although relatively healthy, one thing to remember is coconut milk still contains calories. If your consumption of coconut water every day for about 236 ml per day, then you should calculate the extra 45-60 calories. If then, the extra calories from coconut water were not used by the body, it can increase body weight about 2 kg per year.

Note Possible Side Effects

Pregnant women in some countries are often advised to take coconut water because it is considered beneficial. But it can not be proven scientifically. Pregnant and lactating women should be careful in the consumption of coconut water. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Coconut water also has the possibility of lowering blood pressure and increase the effects of high blood pressure medications. Which also need to watch is the coconut water can interfere with blood pressure during and after surgery. We recommend avoiding the consumption of coconut water two weeks before the scheduled surgery.

Now not only is obtained from fresh fruit, but coconut water has also many presented in packaging. Don't forget to read the label on the package before buying. If you drink coconut water, make sure the amount the body needs and not excessive. For those of you who have a particular health condition, consult your physician before taking the coconut water.

Children Can Also Become Vegetarian

Children Can Also Become Vegetarian

vegetarian kid

A Vegetarian diet that is no stranger to be applied by adults, is now applied to the parents to their children. But the truth can the children stay healthy while being a vegetarian?

In fact, not all vegetarian diet completely avoid animal products. For children, the type of vegetarian which is applied becomes very important. Because with an increasingly strict vegetarian rule is used, the more difficult it is an effort to meet the needs of adequate nutrition.

For Lacto-Ovo vegetarian category, although avoiding meat, they still consume eggs, milk, and dairy products. Meanwhile, Lacto-vegetarian allows milk and dairy products but avoid eggs and bacon. Vegan is a total vegetarian category that did not include foods derived from animal products, including milk and eggs.

Appropriate attention to nutrition intake

As the primary provider of food for their children, parents are vegetarians often presents the same kind to his children. What needs to be noted is the possibility of much greater malnutrition among children than adults because their nutritional needs are higher.


The primary source of nutrients and protein for infants is breast milk or formula in the first six months. Soy-based formulas can be used for children with a vegan diet.

But keep in mind is a vegan child should be given a source of vitamin B12, especially if the mother's diet does not provide the vitamin. Also, babies also need to get vitamin D supplement if the formula is taken less than one liter.

Suggestions solid foods in infants vegetarian are when the age of six months, together with a general diet. Once the baby is introduced to solid foods, it can be given to vegetarian protein-rich food, such as porridge know, cheese, yogurt either cow's milk or soy, and porridge of various kinds of nuts.

Infants under three years

At this age, it is not different parents face difficulties in providing sufficient food portions. Once the children are no longer obtain breast milk or formula, they become susceptible to nutritional deficiencies. At one year of age, children with risk vegan diet deficient intake of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and zinc (zinc).

Especially in the vegan category, it is important to make sure kids get a portion of protein and iron from vegetables or nuts. But do not give whole nuts to children under five years of age because of the risk of choking. Cut or finely crushed nuts before serving.

Toddlers are notoriously voters to what foods will fit into their mouths. The risk, the intake of calories and nutrients toddler with a vegetarian diet, is not met. Parents can present nutrient-dense food and fortified cereals. Vitamin supplements are also highly recommended for children who may not be getting adequate nutrition.

Pre-teens and Adolescents

If done correctly, a meatless diet can be beneficial active for preteens and teens. Lacto-Ovo vegetarians who still eat eggs and dairy products are an excellent choice. But the vegetarian diet tighter feared could make children and adolescents lack nutrients needed, such as iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12.

Parents also should be wary if a child or young person suddenly cut calories or avoid any fat and carbohydrates. It could be a sign of an eating disorder who tried to hide the reason for vegetarians.

Even with a vegetarian diet is beneficial to health, still, try to broaden your knowledge of children and young people about this diet. Time at least once a week to eat together so that they understand more about proper nutrition vegetarian.

Avoid Risk of Malnutrition in Children

A vegetarian diet is well planned to meet nutrition for children. But to watch is a risk that can occur if it is not sufficient. Some of the diseases that are associated with malnutrition due to a vegetarian diet, including a vitamin C deficiency, rickets due to vitamin D deficiency in the long term, and kwashiorkor or malnutrition.

It is important for parents to get information from reliable sources, such as pediatricians and nutritionists to their selection of vegetarian food. What is important is to check their health condition with appropriate medical care system for children and adolescents.

As a parent, you must ensure that your child gets all the nutrients it needs. Give the main meals in smaller portions, but more often. Complete with two snacks each day. Make sure they get the requisite amount of different types of food.

Note the intake of calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D children to be enough. Additional vitamin intake is recommended for all children aged six months to five years.

Although not impossible to meet child nutrition through a vegetarian diet, parents still need to be careful and continue to consult with a pediatrician or nutritionist on a regular basis if you want to apply it safely.
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