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Stay Slim With Healthy Snacks

Stay Slim With Healthy Snacks

healthy snack

The ideal weight can increase the possibility of a healthy, and has an excellent appearance. Various ways to prevent weight gain, including avoiding snacks in between meals. Is it true that these measures effective?

If you deliberately avoid the snack to reduce calorie intake, you should think again. Besides being able to help supply the energy in between meals, healthy snacks can also help you avoid overeating while keeping the fat burning metabolism in the body.

No wonder if the right snack can help prevent the weight moves up, and even help lower it.

Fiber and Protein Ingredients

Blood sugar will drop about 3-5 hours after you eat. Eating snacks in small portions several times a day can help keep the body's metabolism and blood sugar. Because hunger will only slow down your metabolism, making you more vulnerable to weight gain.

In general, a snack is associated with sweet foods such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, popcorn or peanuts. But this kind of meal contains fatter and high in carbohydrates with minimal nutritional value.

Unlike the sweet and high-calorie snacks that will contribute to the energy in a short time, a healthy snack will supply power for a longer period. Healthy snacks will also avoid drowsiness that usually occur due to eating too much sugar.

Therefore, it is important to eat a snack with a ratio of proper nutrients and calories. One healthy snack combination of nutrients are protein and fiber.

Protein will help the development of a leaner muscle mass as well as stimulate the metabolism and increases calorie burning. Meanwhile, the fiber will contribute to improving digestion and prevent you eat more fat and sugar.

Then how many servings of snacks right? If you want a snack helpful and unobtrusive optimal current portion mealtime, a snack should not contain more than 200 calories, with 10 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fiber.

The Right Type of Food

To maintain and lose weight, just snacks can be an important tool. Meet the nutritional needs of the body every few hours will keep the performance of the metabolism and blood sugar stable.

Only healthy snacks sometimes seem dull. Especially if you only eat the kind, that's it. Not only cause boredom, but it could also be your snacks nutritional intake is not by the required body. Not surprisingly, then, donuts or ice cream looked very tempting.

Don't worry,  you can choose or create their own combinations of food groups below as alloys healthy snacks.

  • Fruits and vegetables

By eating these foods, will both provide a sense of fullness with calorie intake slightly. Fruits and vegetables but it also contain vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients.

  • Nuts and seeds

Thanks to the protein content in nuts and seeds, snack this type will make you no longer feel hungry. Both also contain saturated fat is not healthy. But do not consume excessive calories because the level is high enough.

  • Low-fat dairy products

Cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products are a source of calcium and protein, and other vitamins and minerals. For snacks, choose low-fat products. Some, have added sugar. We recommend that you choose a product with a label without additional sweeteners or low-calorie label

  • Whole grains

Snacks made from whole grains, rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates so that the body is always energized.

Examples Combination Fixed Delicious Healthy Snacks

With planning and preparation is not too much trouble, you can get a healthy snack within your reach. Including as a measure to ward off the temptation of high-calorie snack. Here are some healthy snack ideas but still tasty on the tongue.

  • edamame beans

One cup of edamame can meet 1/3 of your daily fiber and protein. If you want to feel full longer, eat directly from the skin. Research shows, one would find to eat more if they see the remnants of the food it consumes.

  • Banana with peanut butter

Do not be satisfied simply by eating a banana. You can add a tablespoon of peanut butter on it. In addition to carbohydrate intake, at the same time, you also get the protein that will keep energy levels for hours. Research shows that eating peanut butter in the morning can reduce your appetite throughout the day.

  • Poached egg and vegetable asparagus

The combination of hard-boiled eggs and vegetable asparagus is a very appropriate snack. Rich content of fiber from asparagus to balance the natural protein from eggs. Also, asparagus also contains folic acid and vitamin B6 and vitamin E, which helps burn fat in the body.

  • Oatmeal and strawberries

Do not mistake the consumption of oatmeal for breakfast. Oatmeal is good for heart health can be consumed at any time. With a high fiber content, oatmeal will help keep blood sugar levels do not decrease drastically. Extra berries are not just enriching the flavor, but also provide additional vitamin C. Strawberries can be an option as a complementary oatmeal was delicious.

  • Apples and milk

Eating an apple as a snack is a good choice. But it's better if it comes with enough protein to be more filling, such as fat-free milk. The protein content in it will keep energy levels and delay hunger until the next hours.

  • Ice Green Tea with mint leaves

Is always mean snack food? Not really. Alternatively, you can choose these calorie-free beverages. Especially if you do not feel too hungry. Green tea is thought to help people who are trying to lose weight thanks to the antioxidant content that encourages the body's metabolism.

In addition to the above combination, you can make a healthy snack that suits your taste. With proper nutrition and portion, is not impossible that this dish can help you achieve the desired weight.

Blood Purification Diet

We all know, blood is a vital element of our body that does many functions such as providing oxygen and important nutrients to various body parts, and dispensing carbon dioxide and body waste away from the cells. The functioning of the body cells, the various organs, and the body as a whole depends on the blood.  It is very important to keep the blood free from impurities and toxins. There are 3 organs that perform the function of detoxifying or cleansing the blood: The Liver, Kidneys and Lymphatic Vessels. This system ensures that the blood is free of all toxins and unwanted agents and impurities are removed from the body. In a few cases, an inadequate intake of water and fluids over a long period can hamper this system. In that case, a blood purification diet can help to purify the system and maintain overall good health.

A blood purification diet is an eating plan which helps an individual to remove all the impurities and toxins present in the person's blood. Water and fluids, like juices and tea make the basis of most blood purification diets and so it is essential to include these in the blood purification diet. The other blood purifying foods could be vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices.

Below is the list of blood cleansing foods which should be consumed as part of the blood purifying diet:


healthy foods

Vegetables, mainly green leafy are a good source of important nutrients and have many health benefits including blood cleansing. Green vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, Bitter gourd and spinach have several antioxidant and anticancer elements which helps the liver to cleanse the blood and act as purifying agents in the blood. It is good to have a big glass of a natural blood purifier juice such as fresh carrot or cauliflower juice daily.


healthy foods

Juicy fruits like oranges, kiwis, melons, raspberries, apples, grapefruits, pomegranates, pineapple and cranberries are all good blood purifying agents. Each one of these also contain numerous antioxidant and anticancer elements which can help the body to fight against free radicals. Moreover, these juicy fruits contain fibers and help the body to eliminate the toxic heavy metals. Add a glass of honey-watercress-orange juice to your breakfast to help cleanse your blood. Please note that if you're on some particular medications, avoid grapefruits.

Herbal tea 

healthy foods

Tea when mixed with some herbs can become an outstanding blood purifying drink and removes toxin agents from the body. Some commonly used types of herbal tea are peppermint, lemon, ginger, and dandelion.

Wheat grass juice: It is one of the most effective blood cleansing juice and contains a wide variety of nutrients. It also contains good amounts of Vitamin A, B, C, E, and K, chlorophyll, natural enzymes, amino acids, calcium, iron, potassium, lecithin, phosphorus, protein, and magnesium. Due to its high nutritional value, it is very effective as a blood purifier. It also enhances the supply of oxygen to the circulatory system. Not only wheat grass juice, it is important to drink 8-10 glasses of water in the entire day as this helps in eliminating toxins and waste product from the body.


healthy foods

Herbs are the best choice when it comes to the cleansing of blood.One of the major benefits of herbs is that they can be consumed in many different ways for blood purification. Herbs, such as dandelion, alfalfa, echinacea, red clover, etc. are considered to be an excellent blood cleanser, detoxifies the body, helps to maintain PH levels and relieves from various digestive problems like bloating and constipation.


healthy foods

It helps in regulating the free radicals in the body and decrease the risks of many health problems. It contains an important mineral called sulfur that helps to flush out harmful toxins from the body. In addition, it increases the production of enzymes in the liver and remove unhealthy fungus, bacteria and viruses from the intestine. It is recommended to eat raw garlic, which also helps in lowering the cholesterol and blood pressure.


healthy foods

A traditional source of natural blood cleanser, contains active antioxidants that flush out the harmful toxins, free radicals and bacteria from the spleen, liver, and blood. It also helps in curing infections in a natural way and is particularly good for skin care.


healthy foods

They are rich in glutathione, which is considered as a powerful detox and anti-carcinogenic agent. They help the liver to remove harmful microbes, free radicals, and toxins from the blood effectively.

All the foods mentioned above compose of blood cleansing elements and don't have any side-effects because they all are natural and do not contain any harmful ingredients. However, in some cases it is recommended to consult the doctor before consuming these foods, especially herbs. In the cases, like of old aged people or those who are suffering from any pre-existing medical problem, medical consultation is suggested.

The Benefits off Raw Food

healthy foods

It is a well known fact that with high temperatures when cooking, some vitamins will be destroyed, particularly vitamin C and vitamin B9 (folic acid). It may also render minerals inorganic and denature some proteins, and it certainly destroys the life force in raw plant food.

Cooking kills all enzymes. Their activity increases as the temperature rises, but only up to 42 degrees C, after which enzyme activaty slows down. If the food is heated to 48 degrees C for more than half an hour, all enzymes are completely destroyed. In contrast, dry heat would not be destructive to enzymes until around 150 degrees C, but this is theoretical, as all foods contain moisture. Thus cooking and pasteurisation completely destroy the natural, health-giving enzymes that are present in all raw foods.

Like vitamins, enzymes are present in all vegetable and animal tissue in their natural state. They are the biological catalists that trigger off all the millions of chemical changes that are taking place within the human body, every second of our life. There are tens of thousands of enzymes working away in our body – with something like 50.000 in the liver alone! And each of them has his own specific purpose.

When food intake is above starvation level and all the necessary nutrients are provided, the less food that is consumed on a long-term basis by humans, animals and insects, the longer they live. When the air temperature raises, causes insects to be much more active, but they die sooner because their enzymes are used up more rapidly. Enzyme supply may well be the yardstick of vitality.

It is accepted in general, that the enzymes in food cannot work in our bodies, although Dr. Edward Howell has written a book :”Food Enzymes for health and longevity”, in which he states that there is strong evidence to the contrary.

The enzymes in raw food commence the digestion of each morsel the moment the food’s cell walls are ruptured by chewing. The food enzymes assist our own digestive enzymes, easing the load on the organs that produce our enzymes, particularly the pancreas. When humans eat cooked food, the pancreas is enlarged due to overwork. In fact, oriental people on a high carbohydrate cooked diet, mainly rice, have pancreas approximately half as big as Westerners .

All animals in the wild consume abundant enzymes in their always raw diets. Some have a separate stomach in which the food enzymes pre-digest food before the body’s digestive enzymes are called upon, for example, the rumen in the cow.

The enzyme content of organically-grown food that has ripened at its source (on the tree, vine etc.) is significantly higher than conventionally-grown foods.

When raw food enzymes reach the bowel, they encourage the friendly gut bacteria by binding any oxygen present, thus eliminating the aerobic conditions in which harmful bacteria grow and cause putrefaction, toxaemia and ultimately degenerative diseases, including cancer.

When the harmful bacteria are gone, beneficial bacteria, like acidophilus and bifidobacteria can flourish and carry out their vital functions, including the manufacture of B vitamins, digestion of fiber, and production of natural ‘antibiotics’ against pathogenic bacteria.

In the highly cooked Western diet, a high incidence of arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other degenerative conditions is exactly what can be expected as a result of enzyme damage.

In contrast, the remarkable therapeutic value of a short-term diet of raw fresh fruits and vegetables and/or their juices, which have been employed all over the world, is exactly what we would expect.

5 Healthier Fast Food Choices

Fast food called to be one of the causes of health problems. However, at times like this, this one being one of the options when we're pressed for time.

Well, even though the conditions have to be eating it, then we should still get to choose and sort out fast food which is more healthy than the one and the other.

Quoted from Boldsky, there are at least 5 types of fast food that is the content of its nutrition value is still good for our body.

1. Salad

5 Pilihan Fast Food Sehat

Salad consisting of vegetables, it is very healthy for the body. But, in order for his nutritional stay awake, it's good not to add the mayonnaise in salad. If plus slice of chicken meat, then it will be better. If like, vegetables can be copied. Vegetables in salads will help you feel full and energized.

2. Wrap

5 Pilihan Fast Food Sehat

Wrap usually served with a form similar to kebab. He composed of slabs of bread stuffed vegetables and also some pieces of meat sauce mixed with mayo and cheese. If you are not too fond of the mayo and cheese, you can tell the seller to minimize it and ask for an extra vegetable.

3. Sandwich

5 Pilihan Fast Food Sehat

Sandwich consisting of bread which vegetables and meat turned out the food fast food that is healthy for the body. What if sandwiches made with unsalted bread rich in fiber content of whole grain, and then coupled with lettuce and tomatoes.

4. The Veggie Burger

5 Pilihan Fast Food Sehat

This Burger contains no beef and are usually available for those who adhere to a vegetarian lifestyle. But, if you don't like it, then you can get to choose other options, such as a burger with grilled chicken.

5. Burrito

5 Pilihan Fast Food Sehat

Typical foods of  Mexico is similar to kebab. it mixed nuts and vegetables with the sauce then wrapped with some tortillas. If you order extra meat to this food then burrito will help fill the stomach.


Healthy Cherries and Methods to make them Part of One's Diet

healthy fruit

Cherries for several centuries were in fact one of the most popular fruits that humans have enjoyed. That interesting past goes back to early Greece, Rome, as well as China, cultures which had built them into a long-term staple with desserts and as a snack food. They were brought to North America during the 1600s by the English settlers, and are nowadays grown in the United States in the Northwest and Michigan. But we are going to look at the way they perform as being a good diet alternative.

There are quite a few varieties of cherries found globally, and just what make them distinctive are in fact different tastes as well as flavors. Probably the most popular variety of cherry that is grown around the world will be Bing cherries. Skeena cherries, on account of the characteristic sweet taste make them a favorite in pies and other desserts. The young cherry tree will start bearing fruit at approximately 5 years, though when it becomes fully developed in approximately ten to fifteen years will generate more than 100 pounds of fruit each season.

Here is a brief list of a few of the health rewards that they can offer, particularly if you consume them regularly:

1. Antioxidant properties. Cherries are among the top food products we are able to consume for their natural antioxidants, and combined with their outstanding taste mean that they are a natural to produce a healthy diet. And why is this very important to our overall health? Free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can result in a variety of diseases, form within our system from pollutants, ultraviolet rays through the sun exposure, but also the entire biological processes including respiration and digestion.

These free radicals must be counteracted with antioxidants which soak them up, or the body may experience what is called oxidative stress. A lot of oxidative stress results in alteration of the structure and performance of our cells. Over time this leads to cellular damage and malignant cells. Foods with oxidative properties such as cherries are important in keeping this oxidative stress in balance.

2. Melatonin. Studies have revealed that consuming tart cherry juice will increase your melatonin levels. Melatonin is recognized to improve sleep duration along with quality with healthy people. The pineal gland has evolved to provide melatonin which will help you sleep, but particularly as we start to get older it falls somewhat short.

3. Pain relief with arthritis. Cherries are known to have anthocyanins, which are crucial as an all-natural pain reducer. Individuals with arthritis must ensure to get foods having anthocyanins in their diet plan, and certainly cherries are a great source. Individuals who suffer from gout have likewise experienced relief in the joints which gout will cause.

4. Lessen post exercise muscle soreness. This shows up in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics of tart cherries. It is thought that there is a protecting influence on muscles, controlling their damage and shrinking their pain during demanding exercise.

5. Fiber. This is an important part of keeping a healthy digestive system, and cherries are acknowledged to contain an abundance of fiber.

When you snack can have a great deal to do with sleep and your overall health.  Eating before bedtime can cause problems with sleep, as can exercise if you do it too late in the day.

The Best Healthy Ways You can Lose 10 Pounds

The Best Healthy Ways You can Lose 10 Pounds

How to Adhere to a Routine to Lose 10 Pounds

You know why you're reading this, you've made a strong and scary choice to lose 10 pounds. You're doing it for much better wellness and even more self-confidence ... both you can get from dropping extra weight.

credit imgaes : shutterstock
loss weightHowever slimming down is not immediate, as if you wished on a magic light. While we reside in a culture where we expect fast outcomes, like convenience food that's prepared in 5 minutes, losing 10 pounds doesn't fit in this classification.

Before you start a weight-loss plan, you have to prepare yourself mentally for the difficulty. Keep in mind that losing 10 pounds will not occur over night. And give yourself time to adapt to the new you, especially if you have actually attempted to lose weight in the past and failed.

Off, very carefully examine your eating routines. For example, do you seem to eat even more when dining with business than when you're alone? Maybe you and your partner have a routine where you ease stress by drinking hot cocoa every morning. Or, do you end up eating those delightful cupcakes you baked for the school sale.

Next, based on your present eating practices, decide on particular modifications you can make. Plus, if being a supper guest puts pressure on you to overindulge, you can nicely leave in the past dessert or try small amounts of each course to stay clear of upseting the host.

Develop a daily meal strategy when you have concepts for new eating practices. For dining at dining establishments and friends' homes, remain to stick to your routine as much as possible. Do your best to stay within limits and soon, you will certainly prosper on regulated eating routines.

You must likewise look at your workout routine to assist you lose 10 pounds. Maybe you used to be very active, however now spend most of your time sitting, whether at home or at work.

Select exercise objectives, starting with the length of time you can commit. "I will certainly exercise 1 hour a day," sounds fantastic, if you don't have a lot of other dedications. If you're hectic, you could need to adjust to a sensible goal: "I will exercise 30 minutes a day," may be much better.

You can also differ the length of time you use to lose 10 pounds. For example, you have larger pieces of time during the weekend. Your objectives might be to use 30 minutes during the weekdays and 1 hour on weekends.

You might attempt to add workout to your morning routine. You have time to spare after work, so you would try a night workout routine.

Next, we come to how you will exercise. Since the majority of us dread this word, you need to set your mind to view workout as having or playing enjoyable, not as a concern. And discovering activities you take pleasure in turns exercise into enjoyable. Whether you give rollerblading a shot or you join a bicycling club, seek and find "exercises" that you like.

After you understand what exercises you will utilize, get a daily coordinator and writedown particular activities, the time you will certainly begin, and how long you will certainly exercise. On May 30, 9 a.m., you compose, "Ride bicycle, for 30 minutes." As you can see, a comprehensive workout routine keeps you from stating, "I don't have time to utilize.".

You've most likely made an observation, adhering to a routine with your workout and eating habits makes losing 10 pounds easier. But, the routine can only assist you if you commit yourself, so use determination to do well then you actually will be effective in losing 10 pounds.

Have you've made a terrifying and strong decision to lose 10 pounds and you're doing it for much better health and even more self-confidence ... both you can obtain from dropping additional weight.

Dropping weight is not immediate, as if you wished on a magic light. While we stay in a culture where we expect quick outcomes, like junk food that prepares in 5 minutes, losing 10 pounds doesn't fit in this category.

You should also take a look at your workout routine to assist you lose weight. Maybe you used to be exceptionally active, however now spend the majority of your time sitting, whether at home or at work.

You can also vary the length of time you make use of to lose 10 pounds. You have bigger chunks of time during the weekend. Your objectives could be to use 30 minutes during the weekdays and 1 hour on weekends.

Fresh and healthy snacks for children

source :

It power is one of the aspects that most concerns parents in securing that their children grow up healthy and strong. Therefore, guided by nutritionists and experts, consult books and follow the guidelines that give them at all times, pediatricians.

There are many recipes that are within reach of the hand and coming to make it clear that they are a good option so that the younger members of the family eat healthy. However, in this case, we want to present various alternatives which are great as a snack, not only because they provide them vitamins, but also because they are chilly, and therefore, Super to cope with the high summer temperatures:

Read also :

1. Fruit Salad

healthy snack

Without a doubt, the fruit is one of the types of food that has be more present in the diet of any person and, therefore, children already bringing many benefits to the body. Is true that to them under them can cost take it, however, an alternative is make them the same attractive visually and for that this recipe is super. Not to forget that, in addition, it is very chilly to cope with the summer heat and provides few calories.

In particular, this snack is prepares counting with the following ingredients: peach, banana, watermelon, Plum, sugar and juice of Orange.

Once all these foods are in the kitchen, comes to develop it using the following steps:

  • The first thing is to peel all pieces of fruit, and then cut them into small cubes.
  • It will then proceed to take all the pieces in a bowl, then pour over those the juice of Orange and a few teaspoons of sugar.
  • The last step will be to enter the bowl in the refrigerator to cool, and so, when the time comes from the "merendilla", that children can take it in the right conditions.

2. Yogurt Smoothie

healthy snack

Other proposals more healthy, refreshing and tasty to the delight of children and control, at the same time, his health is mixing of yogurt now proposed. A recipe that is not only appropriate for the summer but for any season of the year.

If you want to prepare it, you should know that can do so to purchase the following products you need: strawberries, yogurt, cherries and sugar. In this sense, keep in mind that these fruits are an option, each person can opt for using them to consider more appropriate or more like the "Kings of the House".

Once the ingredients ready, you can begin to make this rich and healthy beverage:

  • It first is wash to consciousness the fruit, to then proceed to remove them the rabito to them strawberries and the bone to the cherries.
  • After which there will be that do will be chop them cited food and throw them in the glass of the blender.
  • Then is added also to the aforementioned container yogurt and a little sugar.
  • The next step will be to beat everything until no lumps, put in the fridge to cool and, when the time of the meal, take out it and take it directly.

3. Pole of Melon

healthy snack

To those children them love them ice cream, by what a super option to take fruit is present is it in that format. Thus, for example, you may catch them pleasant way offering them the possibility to make poles of melon.

You find interesting for your children? Read on to discover how to prepare them, knowing that you will need to buy previously melon, sugar and some molds make these ice cream, although you can always employ traditional moulds for ice cubes:

  • The first thing is to proceed to take the melon pulp, make it small pieces and remove all the seeds that might have.
  • What is the aforementioned fruit and sugar, as well as a little water then mix in the Blender jar.
  • Beat it all very well and, once already have all well beaten and without lumps, proceeds to pour the result in the molds for poles that have proven.
  • Act followed, introduces those containers in the freezer and leave them for a few hours until they are ready to be consumed.
These are three healthy proposals for refreshing and healthy snacks for children of the House. However, keep in mind that there are many other recipes have within reach of the hand, and having those same characteristics. We are referring, for example, to the sorbet: strawberries, skewers of fruit with a bit of chocolate, a puree of red fruits, Apple and PEAR Smoothie, fruit mousse... In any of these options you will find the best solutions to make your kids eat healthy and they can grow up healthy and strong.
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