
Tips and Signs That Labor is Near

Tips and Signs That Labor is Near

Signs That Labor is Near

Childbirth is a long and laborious process. Before entering the phase, you will experience the signs of labor. Not all women experience the same of signs bore.

However, to prepare and alert in the face of labor, you may notice some bore signs that may occur in your physical and emotional. Usually, the signs of this sort occurred a few weeks or days before the birth. Physically, you may feel a change in your body such as:

  • Feel pain in the back, abdominal pain or cramps should be premenstrual period.
  • Hard to sleep.
  • Increased frequency of urination. A few weeks or hours before delivery, the baby will come down to your pelvic bone. These conditions make the uterus leans more frequently in the bladder so that the frequency of urination be increased than usual.
  • Exit viscous mucus mixed with blood from the vagina. During pregnancy, your cervix is ​​covered by a thick mucus. But when approaching childbirth, your cervix will dilate and make your way out through the vaginal mucus. The color can be bright, pink, or slightly bloody. However, mucus mixed with blood is not always a sign that you are going to give birth early. This mucus can come out well when you have sex when pregnant or perform a vaginal examination.
  • Feel false contractions. These contractions are commonly called Braxton Hicks, or tummy tuck happened that come and go. But not as intense toning real contractions during labor. These contractions usually last 30 to 120 seconds. Unlike the real contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions may be lost when you change position or relaxed. This contraction would be you feel before experiencing a real contraction. Another difference this contraction with real contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions are felt only in the abdomen or pelvis, while the real contraction is usually felt in the lower back and then move to the front of the abdomen.
  • Changes in the cervix. Networking on your cervix will soften or become elastic. If you've never given birth, your cervix will be more easily enlarged about one or two centimeters before labor begins. But if your first time was experiencing this period, the cervical opening of one centimeter can not be guaranteed you will soon give birth.
  • Water breaks. The most common sign of giving birth is known by most people is the rupture of the amniotic fluid. Most women first feel a contraction before the water breaks, but there is also a start with rupture of the membranes. When this happens, usually the delivery will follow immediately. But the danger, if the water membranes have ruptured, but you do not also experience a contraction, then your baby will be more susceptible to infection. That's because the fluid always protects your baby from germs while in the womb have been exhausted. If this is the case, the induction process will be done for the safety of your baby. If you are already experiencing membrane rupture, hurry to the hospital. Usually delivery will occur about 24 hours after the rupture of membranes.

While regarding emotional, you may feel irritable or moody should premenstrual period.

Tips Approaching the period of childbirth

Generally, childbirth occurs at the age of 9 months pregnant or 40 weeks. At that age the baby physically ready to live a life outside your womb. But not all women give birth at around that time.

If you've entered the 9th month of pregnancy, you should have prepared all the supplies needed during labor. So if the water membranes have ruptured or contraction, you can directly carry the equipment, then rushed to the hospital. Supplies you need to take include:

  • A bag of clothes and toiletries.
  • Baby gear.
  • Snacks.
  • Books, magazines or any item that can accompany you wait for delivery.
  • The pillows and blankets were comfortable.
  • If you want to capture these happy moments, you can also set up a video camera with a fully charged battery and its charger.
Store these items in a place that is readily available during emergency conditions.

In addition to equipment, you also have to make sure who will accompany you during labor. You can choose a husband, a mother, or hire a doula. A doula is a trained personnel who used to help women during childbirth. Make sure they are ready to accompany you during labor begins.

Knowing the signs of childbirth is very important for women, especially those planning to give birth normally. Different If you intend to deliver with caesarean section, which you can give birth anytime during physical enough to be born.

By knowing the signs of labor, you'll be better prepared for childbirth.


Easy Trick To Overcome Often Pee While Pregnant

Easy Trick To Overcome Often Pee While Pregnant

Often Pee While Pregnant

Must go back and forth to the bathroom to urinate or pee indeed makes trouble. Moreover, with the condition of the body being pregnant. Not only that but urine also sometimes come out by itself when laughing, sneezing or coughing.

Pee often a side effect of pregnancy is common in the first and third trimesters. This condition could also be one of the first sign you have been pregnant!

Some things cause the body of pregnant women are more frequent urination. Here's the explanation:

  • Frequent urination including the effects of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
  • Over the pregnancy, the body produces more urine because the kidneys have to work harder to throw unnecessary chemicals out of your body.
  • The growth of the fetus in the womb can suppress bladder. This makes want to go to the toilet became more frequent.
  • At the end of pregnancy, pressure on the bladder increasing because the fetal position that has been under. This condition makes you want to urinate more frequently, even if the bladder is empty

However, you do not need to fret because there are easy tricks you can do to cope with this condition. Here's how:

  • Are advised not to drink before bed. However, make sure your body gets adequate fluid intake during the day. You are required to drink at least 8 glasses a day. Do not minimize it, because that can make you dehydrated.
  • Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages because these substances could make urinate frequently. Examples of caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee or cola drinks.
  • When in the toilet, make sure you have to empty the bladder completely. The way that the bladder is empty, you can be tipped slightly forward of the body during urination.
  • Do not try to resist when a curiosity urinates appear. It might make you want more often to the toilet.
  • Doing Kegel exercises can also help tighten the muscles that regulate the discharge of urine.

Frequent urination also might be a sign you have diabetes, uterine fibroids or a urinary tract infection (UTI). If the cause UTI, then you are advised to immediately handle it so as not to trigger a kidney infection. Kidney infection can cause premature birth and low weight.

Immediately go to the doctor if you feel pain or burning sensation (sore) during urination, you feel like pee when just out of the toilet, urine smell bad, accompanied by blood or the color is muddy, you experience abdominal pain at the bottom of which continually occur, fever, or a whole body experience discomfort.

Cupping Therapy, could actually cure the disease?

Cupping Therapy, could actually cure disease?


In the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, swimmer Michael Phelps of the United States had become a byword. Not only because of his achievements that have won the gold medal, but also former reddish spherical adorning his back and shoulders. Phelps apparently preferred cupping therapy also celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow.

In addition to Phelps, a number of athletes from the United States also liked the ancient therapy. Cupping therapy is a form of alternative therapy by placing the cups on the skin to pull the skin. The glass can be made from various types of materials, for example, or a shard of glass, bamboo or pottery.

Those who tried cupping therapy believe, this method can increase blood flow to help cure many medical ailments.

In general, the Western medical community is skeptical of the health claims of cupping therapy. "The scientific evidence available doesn't support the bruise as a cure for cancer or other diseases," says the American Cancer Society.

But, reported by WebMD a 2012 study published in the journal PLoS ONE indicates that the cupping therapy may indeed have more benefits than just a placebo effect.

Australian and China researchers reviewed to the 135 study of cupping therapy, published between 1992 and 2010, concluded that cupping therapy may be useful when combined with other treatments such as acupuncture or drugs in curing various diseases and conditions, such as:

  • Herpes zoster
  • Acne
  • Paralyzed face
  • Cervical Spondylosis

But the researchers admit that maybe some of the studies they examined, still contains biased and need to do further research.

Meanwhile, according to the American Cancer Society, just relying on this treatment and delay or avoid conventional medical treatments for cancer, should not be done, because it may lead to serious health consequences.

So, it is recommended for fans of cupping therapy who suffer from certain diseases, to keep seeing a doctor in modern medical science.

Lupus Erythematosus: Symtomps and Treatment

Lupus Erythematosus: Symtomps and Treatment

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that is caused by the immune system that mistakenly starts attacking the body's own tissues and organs. Inflammation from lupus can affect various parts of the body, for example:

  • Skin
  • Joints
  • Corpuscle
  • Lungs
  • Heart


The symptoms are often similar to other diseases making it difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of lupus vary. There is mild, and there are even life-threatening. This disease is not contagious, but can be dangerous and even potentially deadly. The most common symptoms are a skin rash, fatigue, pain and swelling in the joints.

Symptoms of Lupus

Symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus / SLE) is very diverse. Many patients with SLE who just feel some mild symptoms for a long time and then suddenly experienced a severe attack.

Main symptoms of SLE

Although the symptoms of SLE vary, there are three main symptoms are generally always arise, among others:
Extreme fatigue

This is the most common symptoms in SLE patients often complain. Extreme fatigue very disturbing and inhibits the activity. Many people who claim that this phenomenon is the biggest negative impact of SLE in their lives.

Doing the daily routine simple, such as housework or office routine, can make SLE very tired. Extreme tiredness persists even after the patient rested.

Skin rash

Which is characteristic of SLE is a rash that spreads on the nose and cheeks. This phenomenon is known as the butterfly rash (butterfly rash) because of its shape resembling butterfly wings.

Other body parts that may be covered with a rash are the hands and wrists. Rashes on the skin due to SLE may be marked permanently and is worse when exposed to sunlight due to photosensitivity reactions.

Pain in the joints

Another primary symptom of SLE is a pain. These symptoms generally appear in the joints of hands and feet of the patient. The pain may also be able to move quickly from one joint to the other joints.

SLE but generally does not cause permanent damage or defects in the joints. That is what distinguishes SLE from other diseases that also attacks the joints.

Other symptoms that might Accompanying

Each SLE patients experience symptoms differently. Some experience mild symptoms, and there were heavy.
There are a variety of other symptoms that may appear in addition to the main one. But not all of these symptoms will be experienced by patients. Many patients who have just suffered a major symptom.

Here are the other symptoms that may be experienced with SLE:

  • Sores that continue to appear.
  • High fever (38ÂșC or more).
  • High blood pressure.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Headache.
  • Hair loss.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Chest pain.
  • Memory loss.
  • Shortness of breath due to inflammation of the lungs, the impact of the heart, or anemia.
  • The body stores excess fluid, causing symptoms such as swelling of the ankles
  • Fingers and toes that turn white or blue when exposed to the cold or because of stress (Raynaud's phenomenon).

Treatment of Lupus

Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (systemic lupus erythematosus / SLE) can not be cured. The goal of treatment available is to reduce the level of symptoms, to prevent damage to internal organs, as well as minimizing the impact on the lives of patients with SLE.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Protecting skin from the sun is important for patients with SLE. Skin rashes experienced by patients with SLE may worsen if exposed to sunlight. Steps that can be done is:
  • Wearing clothing that covers all parts of the skin.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses.
  • Applying sunscreen with a high dose so that the skin is not sunburned.
However, not all people with lupus are sensitive to sunlight. There is also no need to implement the steps above.
Special treatment may not be needed by patients with SLE with mild symptoms, but they generally still require medication to manage the symptoms. Here are the drugs that may be needed by patients with SLE.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines

Joint or muscle pain is one of the main symptoms of SLE. Doctors may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce these symptoms.

The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug is a painkiller that can reduce the inflammation that occurs in the body. What kind of medications are generally given physicians in patients with SLE include ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, and piroxicam.

These types of drugs (especially ibuprofen) have been sold freely and be able to treat painful joints or muscles are light. But you need prescription drugs if you experience joint or muscle pain is more severe.

SLE patients also should be wary because the drug is not suitable if they are being or have had gastric disorders, kidney, or liver. These medicines also may not be suitable for people with asthma.

Also, children under 16 years of age should not take aspirin. Again, talk to your doctor to find a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is suitable for you.

Consumption of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or long-term high doses can cause bleeding inside because of damage to the stomach wall. Therefore, doctors will monitor the condition of patients with SLE who must consume it for long term carefully. If complications do occur, the doctor will recommend other options.


Corticosteroids can reduce inflammation quickly and efficiently. These drugs are usually given by a doctor if SLE patients were experiencing severe symptoms or attacks.

To control symptoms and attacks, the initial stages of this medication may be a massive dose. Then the dosage is reduced gradually as the condition of the patient improved.

Corticosteroids are always given the lowest effective dose. High doses and long-term consumption of these drugs can cause side effects that include bone thinning, thinning of the skin, weight gain, and increased high blood pressure.

How to minimize the side effects of steroids is to adjust the dose of steroids with disease activity while controlling it actually. As long as you follow the recipe and supervised by a doctor, corticosteroids include drugs that are safe to use


Besides once used to treat malaria, the drug is also useful for treating some of the significant symptoms of SLE. Among them:

  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rash
Specialist doctors generally encourage the consumption of this drug for long-term for people with SLE. The aim is to:
  • Prevent a severe attack.
  • Controlling symptoms.
  • Prevent the development of serious complications.
The effectiveness of regular hydroxychloroquine will be felt with SLE after taking over 1.5-3 months.
But all drugs have side effects remain, including hydroxychloroquine. Among these are indigestion, diarrhea, headache, and rash.

These drugs also have side effects more serious, but very rare. For example, it is estimated there is a risk of 1: 2000 in SLE patients taking these drugs may experience eye damage. Because it is so rare, general eye exams are not required for all lupus patients who take this medication.

Immediately consult your doctor if you experience vision problems for taking hydroxychloroquine.

Immunosuppressant Medicines

The workings of this medicine are to suppress the immune system performance. There are several types of immunosuppressants are usually given by prescription, namely azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil and cyclophosphamide.

Immunosuppressant will relieve the symptoms of SLE to limit damage to parts of a healthy body from the attacks of the immune system. The drug is also sometimes given together with corticosteroids. If combined, they can relieve the symptoms of SLE more efficiently. The use of immunosuppressant was also likely to reduce the dose of corticosteroids needed patient.

Immunosuppressants including drugs that are very hard and can cause the following side effects:

  • Gag.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Swelling of the gums.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Convulsions.
  • Easy bruising or bleeding.
  • Breakouts.
  • Headache.
  • Weight gain.
  • Excessive hair growth.
Therefore, this drug is usually administered by prescription only for SLE patients who experience severe symptoms or attacks. Immediately consult a doctor if any side effect that was more disturbing than the benefits. Your dose may need to be adjusted.
Each type of immunosuppressant cause side effects vary. For example, mycophenolate and cyclophosphamide can cause birth defects. Therefore, patients with SLE women using either of these medications and are sexually active are encouraged to use contraception is guaranteed potency.

For patients with SLE women who intend to have children, you are advised to choose other drugs (e.g., azathioprine). You are also advised to first consulted the specialist.

Pregnancy should be planned when you reduced SLE symptoms (remission). Careful monitoring of specialists and obstetricians during pregnancy takes place also very important.

The risk of infection increases with the performance of the immune system is suppressed. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of infection since you may need immediate treatment to prevent serious complications.

Symptoms of infection are sometimes similar to lupus attacks and includes:

  • Coughing accompanied by phlegm or panting.
  • High fever (38ÂșC or more).
  • That feels a burning sensation during urination.
  • Blood urine (hematuria).
Avoid contact with people who are experiencing an infection as anything or even if you already have immunity against infection, such as chickenpox or measles. Transmission may still occur due to the performance of your immune system is on the decline because of pressure by the immunosuppressant drugs.
Immunosuppressant also can cause liver damage. Therefore, you need a medical examination and regular blood tests while using immunosuppressants.


If other drugs are not effective for patients with SLE, the doctor will recommend rituximab. These drugs included a new type and was originally developed to treat certain blood cancers, such as lymphoma. But rituximab proved useful in dealing with autoimmune diseases such as SLE and rheumatoid arthritis.

How it works is by targeting rituximab and kill cells B. These are the cells that produce antibodies that trigger the symptoms of SLE. These drugs will be put through the IV that will last for several hours. During the treatment process is underway, your condition will be monitored carefully.

Common side effects of rituximab include dizziness, vomiting, and flu-like symptoms (e.g., chills and high fever during treatment). Other side effects may occur (although rarely) are allergic reactions. These reactions usually occur during treatment or shortly after that.

9 Easy Steps To Prevent Snoring

9 Easy Steps To Prevent Snoring

Prevent Snoring

Snoring is common that some people do while sleeping. For the snorer, this condition may not disturb your sleep. However, snoring can be very annoying couples while sleeping.

Otherwise, be solved, bed time which should be utilized to rest couples also became annoyed because you remove the noise.

Snoring occurs due to the vibration of respiratory structures so as to produce a sound, either soft or hard. The noise of the resulting is sometimes can be so disturbing the sense of hearing.

Snoring is usually caused by obesity, alcoholism, eating sleeping pills, certain sleeping positions, smoking, or abnormalities in the nose and throat. Especially in children, snoring can be caused by enlarged tonsils.

Maybe, this time, You haven't learned that snoring can be a sign of serious diseases, such as sleep apnea, namely sleep disorders that can make you stop breathing for a few seconds to two minutes when asleep. This makes the oxygen levels in the blood decreases so that makes you fatigue and headache the next day.

Sleep disorders are also closely related to several chronic diseases such as stroke, hypertension, obesity, and heart disease.

For the sake of maintaining the peace of couples at a time to avoid such hazards, you should soon overcome this bad habit. But should avoid drugs that claimed to be overcome because of the grunts that product has not been proven medically effective. Better coping with natural ways and easy like this:

Change the Sleep Position

Sleeping position turned out to determine whether you snore or not. According to one study, supine sleep position makes you snore. It happened because the bed with the rest on the back can make the base of the tongue and soft palate of the mouth covering the walls of the throat, causing the vibration noise while sleeping. To anticipate, try sleeping on your side.

If you are accustomed to sleeping on your back, try to put a tennis ball in a mattress or anything that could make your back feel uncomfortable when laid. Automatically, the discomfort can make you sleep sideways.

Enough sleep

Lack of sleep or have poor sleep schedule can trigger you to snore. For example, you are too busy working to forget to take enough time to sleep. When you've reached the point of exhaustion is very severe, the condition of the muscles will become less tense that makes you snore.

Avoid Alcohol and Sleep Medicine

Usually, people who have never snoring will be snoring soon after consuming alcohol. According to the study, drinking hard drinking at four to five hours before bedtime can make snoring worse. So should avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed.

Taking sleeping pills should also be avoided. Indeed, this drug may make you fall asleep quickly, but sleeping pills can make the muscles of the neck relax so make your snoring worse.

Drink a lot of water

When dehydrated, the release of mucus in the nose and soft palate becomes sticky. It can encourage you to snore. For women, ideally drink 11 glasses of water a day, while a man as much as 16 cups.

Wash Nose With Salt Water

Snoring caused by nasal congestion can be treated by opening the channels of the nasal cavity to keep it open. So they can air circulation.

If nasal flu or other things, then the flow of incoming air can turn into snoring.

To fix this, you can wash your nose with salt water solution, like sinusitis naturally at home. Or it could be the easy way, which is a warm bath before bed.

Lose Weight

Losing weight can be a way to overcome snoring. However, this can not be applied to everyone because there are some people thin is also a snorer.

This can be done if you start to snore when there is weight gain. Whereas previously you've never snore. Weight gain, particularly affecting the neck, usually would encourage you to snore.

Don't smoke

Smoking can cause nasal and lung congestion. Such conditions can lead to snoring. So stop smoking now also be free from the dangers of snoring and other cigarettes.

Keep Cleanliness Bedroom

Allergies can trigger you to snore. To minimize this, always maintain the cleanliness of your bedroom. Clean all the furniture in the room, such as beds, pillows, bedspreads, and curtains to avoid mites or fleas.

Should prevent sleeping with a pet to avoid animal dander get into your nasal cavity.

As a precaution, replace your pillows every six months to avoid mites or fleas.

Pay attention to your food

Hunger usually come without the predictable. You may feel hungry when trying to go to sleep. Try that you set mealtimes. Not until, a few hours before bed you spend on food 'weight' that contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates.
Also avoid drinking milk before bed, because it can increase the production of mucus in your mouth.

Try ways above and feel the change in yourself.

How to Overcome Flu In Babies Correctly?

How to Overcome Flu In Babies?

baby flu

Still not perfect body immune system, making babies a susceptible variety of illnesses including flu. There are about 200 types of viruses that can cause colds in infants. How to deal with colds in babies correctly?

Flu is marked with colored clear liquid discharge from the nose can turn yellowish or greenish after one week. The possibility of a slight fever or a cough accompanied. Generally, babies still want to eat or play regularly.

Things you can do at home

A runny nose experienced baby actually is a way to get rid of germs in the body. However, if the liquid was arising from the nose too much, it can interfere with breathing.

Here are some ways to relieve symptoms of colds in the baby's parents can do at home:

  • Place the baby in a room without AC to reduce nasal congestion. When a baby more comfortable indoor AC, use humidifiers or take advantage of the steam/hot water. You can add essential oils like menthol.
  • If colds in infants are very disturbing, dilute mucus with salt water that dripped to the end of the baby's nostrils. Then, use a vacuum to clean the baby snot nose.
  • Gently pat the baby's back to help relieve respiratory congestion. Lay the baby with the prone position on the knees or let the baby sit on the lap with a leaning towards the front.
  • To avoid irritation, you can put petroleum jelly on the outside of the nostrils.
  • Clear liquid nose or hardened mucus in the nose babies. Use a cotton swab moistened with warm water.
  • You can give a warm tea to babies who are over the age of 6 months. This can help relieve nasal congestion.
  • Avoid using nasal spray on the baby. Consult in advance with the doctor for such action

Dont Give Medication Arbitrarily

A cold that does not interfere with the infant's diet or activity of an infant requires no particular action. Avoid the use of free medications in children under the age of 6 years because of the possibility of dangerous side effects. . Should drugs be given always under the supervision of a doctor.

If the baby fever, then consult your doctor about the possibility of giving paracetamol or ibuprofen. Never give aspirin to infants at risk because it can cause harmful side effects.

Avoid also herbaceous medicines, such as ephedra or ephedrine, which is used to relieve nasal congestion, but have the risk of side effects outweigh the benefits.

Conditions to look out for

Although a cold is one of the common diseases experienced by infants, but there are some conditions that make older people need to be alert and immediately consult a doctor, among others:

  • Colds accompanied by cough and fever over 39 degrees celsius on children under age 6 or fever reached over 40 degrees Celsius in children over 6 months. Fever lasts more than two days.
  • Watery eyes or appears fecal eyes.
  • A cough in Infants is getting worse or is accompanied by a quick breath, wheezing sound when breathing baby.
  • Significant changes in eating or sleeping patterns, often sleepy or fussy.
  • Baby crying when sucking while rubbing or pulling on the ears and crying when laid on the bed.
  • Colds are going does not improve after 5-7 days.
Baby with the durability of a body that is not yet perfect, risky experience various illnesses including colds. Colds are accompanied by severe symptoms to look out for. Consult with a doctor.

The secret to prevent premature ejaculation

The Secret to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation treatment

Premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs before the expected time, i.e., before the penetration or shortly after penetration occurs. In other words, a man can ejaculate even with little stimulation alone and before the expected time.

Premature ejaculation can be experienced by many people in certain situations, such as when you feel restless, sexual intercourse for the first time with a new partner, or if it has been a long time not to have sex. In most cases, this condition can be associated with side effects of the consumption of drugs, injury, or hormonal disorders. However, the cause of which is unclear in most cases premature ejaculation is not known.

One thing to note is that these conditions can be dangerous because of an inherent risk of disappointment on the couple and can harm the relationship in the long term.

Quick Ways To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Many things can cause premature ejaculation so that the required physical examination to determine the exact cause. Therefore, see a doctor right is the first step to knowing how to prevent premature ejaculation regarding potential causes. Recognizing the range of options how to avoid premature ejaculation can also help you and your partner in finding the most appropriate precaution as directed.


In most cases, premature ejaculation can be eased over time. In such situations, prevent premature ejaculation can be done by practicing relaxation. The simplest thing is to take a deep breath to delay ejaculation.

Try other positions when having sex

Let the women took a position at the top so that she can pulling away when men feel will ejaculate. In addition you should avoid the position of men above and replace with a sideways position or reduce the speed of penetration.

Topical anesthetic

Sometimes topical anesthetic can be applied some time before sexual stimulation to prevent premature ejaculation. This drug works by reducing the sensations he feels. But the side effects, some of the men admitted drug reduces their pleasure during intercourse and also the risk of causing the allergy risk in women.

Consuming medications that can delay orgasm

Your doctor may prescribe medication to delay premature orgasm in men. This medicine may contain antidepressant and analgesic. But of course, these drugs can cause side effects, such as headaches. For some people, the use of antidepressant drugs to overcome premature ejaculation may result in a decrease in sexual desire.

Counseling / therapy talk

Couples are invited to speak with a counselor to discuss the relationship problems, relieve anxiety, and while finding ways to manage stress. This therapy can also be done with drugs.

Mechanical behavior

There are simple ways to choose to do, for example:

  • Masturbation at least two hours before sexual intercourse that a man can delay ejaculation.
  • When will reach ejaculation, men can also pause and think about something boring.
  • Use thicker condoms.
  • Lower the testes gradually when going to reach ejaculation.


Kegel exercises are not only beneficial for women. The man who did this movement regularly also can tighten pubokosigeus.

Mechanical press hold

This method requires the cooperation of the couple when a man already feel will reach orgasm. Ask pairs to squeeze the boundary area of ​​the penis head and shaft of the penis for a few seconds until the urge to ejaculate passes, then release. Continue foreplay after waiting 30 seconds. After repeated many times, men will learn to get used to delay ejaculation.

The pressure on the perineum.

Prevent premature ejaculation can also be done by pressing the perineum, the area between the anus and scrotum.

In addition to the ways above, there are also creams, sprays, and gels that can be applied prior to sexual intercourse to reduce the sensation of orgasm.

All the above method still needs to be exercised because it is not necessarily appropriate for every man. Determining the proper way to prevent premature ejaculation will make a sexual relationship with a partner can come back happy. Consultation on mental health professional may also help you deal with the problem of premature ejaculation.
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