
Tips and Signs That Labor is Near

Tips and Signs That Labor is Near

Signs That Labor is Near

Childbirth is a long and laborious process. Before entering the phase, you will experience the signs of labor. Not all women experience the same of signs bore.

However, to prepare and alert in the face of labor, you may notice some bore signs that may occur in your physical and emotional. Usually, the signs of this sort occurred a few weeks or days before the birth. Physically, you may feel a change in your body such as:

  • Feel pain in the back, abdominal pain or cramps should be premenstrual period.
  • Hard to sleep.
  • Increased frequency of urination. A few weeks or hours before delivery, the baby will come down to your pelvic bone. These conditions make the uterus leans more frequently in the bladder so that the frequency of urination be increased than usual.
  • Exit viscous mucus mixed with blood from the vagina. During pregnancy, your cervix is ​​covered by a thick mucus. But when approaching childbirth, your cervix will dilate and make your way out through the vaginal mucus. The color can be bright, pink, or slightly bloody. However, mucus mixed with blood is not always a sign that you are going to give birth early. This mucus can come out well when you have sex when pregnant or perform a vaginal examination.
  • Feel false contractions. These contractions are commonly called Braxton Hicks, or tummy tuck happened that come and go. But not as intense toning real contractions during labor. These contractions usually last 30 to 120 seconds. Unlike the real contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions may be lost when you change position or relaxed. This contraction would be you feel before experiencing a real contraction. Another difference this contraction with real contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions are felt only in the abdomen or pelvis, while the real contraction is usually felt in the lower back and then move to the front of the abdomen.
  • Changes in the cervix. Networking on your cervix will soften or become elastic. If you've never given birth, your cervix will be more easily enlarged about one or two centimeters before labor begins. But if your first time was experiencing this period, the cervical opening of one centimeter can not be guaranteed you will soon give birth.
  • Water breaks. The most common sign of giving birth is known by most people is the rupture of the amniotic fluid. Most women first feel a contraction before the water breaks, but there is also a start with rupture of the membranes. When this happens, usually the delivery will follow immediately. But the danger, if the water membranes have ruptured, but you do not also experience a contraction, then your baby will be more susceptible to infection. That's because the fluid always protects your baby from germs while in the womb have been exhausted. If this is the case, the induction process will be done for the safety of your baby. If you are already experiencing membrane rupture, hurry to the hospital. Usually delivery will occur about 24 hours after the rupture of membranes.

While regarding emotional, you may feel irritable or moody should premenstrual period.

Tips Approaching the period of childbirth

Generally, childbirth occurs at the age of 9 months pregnant or 40 weeks. At that age the baby physically ready to live a life outside your womb. But not all women give birth at around that time.

If you've entered the 9th month of pregnancy, you should have prepared all the supplies needed during labor. So if the water membranes have ruptured or contraction, you can directly carry the equipment, then rushed to the hospital. Supplies you need to take include:

  • A bag of clothes and toiletries.
  • Baby gear.
  • Snacks.
  • Books, magazines or any item that can accompany you wait for delivery.
  • The pillows and blankets were comfortable.
  • If you want to capture these happy moments, you can also set up a video camera with a fully charged battery and its charger.
Store these items in a place that is readily available during emergency conditions.

In addition to equipment, you also have to make sure who will accompany you during labor. You can choose a husband, a mother, or hire a doula. A doula is a trained personnel who used to help women during childbirth. Make sure they are ready to accompany you during labor begins.

Knowing the signs of childbirth is very important for women, especially those planning to give birth normally. Different If you intend to deliver with caesarean section, which you can give birth anytime during physical enough to be born.

By knowing the signs of labor, you'll be better prepared for childbirth.

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