
7 Tips for Men to Make Sex Last Longer

7 Tips for Men to Make Sex Last Longer

Make Sex Last Longer

Many men believe, the woman would prefer sex with a long duration, until then most people using special medicine. There are a few tips that make men's durable, without assistance.

The notion of sex many long presented by the media, including movies and magazines. Thus, when a man is not able to survive in sexual intercourse up to 30 minutes, he thought he suffered a shortage. In fact, healthy men on average will experience an erection until ejaculation for two minutes or less.

Here are some tips to make love durable for men naturally:

Lower the weight until the ideal

Research has shown that being overweight or obese can interfere with sexual performance. It was allegedly associated with diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which can lead to impotence.

Consumption of foods containing zinc and amino acids

Many medicinal herbs stamina enhancer for men who take advantage of zinc. Therefore, zinc deficiency will lower testosterone levels which can impair sexual performance. However, avoid indiscriminate herbal medicines. You can eat some certain foods such as meat, oysters, and cereals that have been fortified with zinc.

Start practicing Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are not only devoted to women. According to experts, this training is also considered a good practice for the men in the control of the muscles around the genitals and support sexual stamina. One expert said, Kegel exercises can be used to delay ejaculation. A study shows that men who do Kegel exercises for 12 weeks increased the ability to ejaculate as much as five-fold.

Diligent weight training, swimming or brisk walking

Weight-bearing exercise can make the body produce more testosterone which affects the sex drive. You can also do a workout push ups, sit-ups or other exercises that build muscle around the shoulder, chest and abdomen which will increase stamina during sex.

In addition, brisk walking, running or other aerobic exercise can also help improve circulation and blood flow. Until it can help erections stronger and longer. If you like sports swimming, then you should continue the sport. Swim conducted about 30 minutes three times per week, is known to increase sexual performance. Do not just stop there, this one lovemaking tips can also help maintain a healthy weight.

Consider circumcision

Contrary to the assumption most people, the benefits of circumcision cut foreskin or skin that is on the tip of the penis, it can avoid premature ejaculation. Studies conducted revealed that men who are circumcised can actually achieve ejaculation in a much longer time.

Train yourself with masturbation

An advocate for frequent masturbation. According to him, masturbation can teach themselves against sexual response, so as to sustain an erection longer. Try to stop in the middle of the process of masturbation, just a few moments before ejaculation. Relax and try again, until you can control ejaculation better.

Avoid burdened

The experts also argue that you do not need to overload your mind with orgasm as the end result is the most important. Sexual intercourse is not just a purely physical relationship, but also a bond, passion, and pleasure. Men can think of other things such as how to satisfy your partner, to shift the burden of thought.

Make a lasting lovemaking tips for men naturally to support sexual performance. If necessary, consult a doctor or a sexologist regarding your concerns.

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