
9 Easy Steps To Prevent Snoring

9 Easy Steps To Prevent Snoring

Prevent Snoring

Snoring is common that some people do while sleeping. For the snorer, this condition may not disturb your sleep. However, snoring can be very annoying couples while sleeping.

Otherwise, be solved, bed time which should be utilized to rest couples also became annoyed because you remove the noise.

Snoring occurs due to the vibration of respiratory structures so as to produce a sound, either soft or hard. The noise of the resulting is sometimes can be so disturbing the sense of hearing.

Snoring is usually caused by obesity, alcoholism, eating sleeping pills, certain sleeping positions, smoking, or abnormalities in the nose and throat. Especially in children, snoring can be caused by enlarged tonsils.

Maybe, this time, You haven't learned that snoring can be a sign of serious diseases, such as sleep apnea, namely sleep disorders that can make you stop breathing for a few seconds to two minutes when asleep. This makes the oxygen levels in the blood decreases so that makes you fatigue and headache the next day.

Sleep disorders are also closely related to several chronic diseases such as stroke, hypertension, obesity, and heart disease.

For the sake of maintaining the peace of couples at a time to avoid such hazards, you should soon overcome this bad habit. But should avoid drugs that claimed to be overcome because of the grunts that product has not been proven medically effective. Better coping with natural ways and easy like this:

Change the Sleep Position

Sleeping position turned out to determine whether you snore or not. According to one study, supine sleep position makes you snore. It happened because the bed with the rest on the back can make the base of the tongue and soft palate of the mouth covering the walls of the throat, causing the vibration noise while sleeping. To anticipate, try sleeping on your side.

If you are accustomed to sleeping on your back, try to put a tennis ball in a mattress or anything that could make your back feel uncomfortable when laid. Automatically, the discomfort can make you sleep sideways.

Enough sleep

Lack of sleep or have poor sleep schedule can trigger you to snore. For example, you are too busy working to forget to take enough time to sleep. When you've reached the point of exhaustion is very severe, the condition of the muscles will become less tense that makes you snore.

Avoid Alcohol and Sleep Medicine

Usually, people who have never snoring will be snoring soon after consuming alcohol. According to the study, drinking hard drinking at four to five hours before bedtime can make snoring worse. So should avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed.

Taking sleeping pills should also be avoided. Indeed, this drug may make you fall asleep quickly, but sleeping pills can make the muscles of the neck relax so make your snoring worse.

Drink a lot of water

When dehydrated, the release of mucus in the nose and soft palate becomes sticky. It can encourage you to snore. For women, ideally drink 11 glasses of water a day, while a man as much as 16 cups.

Wash Nose With Salt Water

Snoring caused by nasal congestion can be treated by opening the channels of the nasal cavity to keep it open. So they can air circulation.

If nasal flu or other things, then the flow of incoming air can turn into snoring.

To fix this, you can wash your nose with salt water solution, like sinusitis naturally at home. Or it could be the easy way, which is a warm bath before bed.

Lose Weight

Losing weight can be a way to overcome snoring. However, this can not be applied to everyone because there are some people thin is also a snorer.

This can be done if you start to snore when there is weight gain. Whereas previously you've never snore. Weight gain, particularly affecting the neck, usually would encourage you to snore.

Don't smoke

Smoking can cause nasal and lung congestion. Such conditions can lead to snoring. So stop smoking now also be free from the dangers of snoring and other cigarettes.

Keep Cleanliness Bedroom

Allergies can trigger you to snore. To minimize this, always maintain the cleanliness of your bedroom. Clean all the furniture in the room, such as beds, pillows, bedspreads, and curtains to avoid mites or fleas.

Should prevent sleeping with a pet to avoid animal dander get into your nasal cavity.

As a precaution, replace your pillows every six months to avoid mites or fleas.

Pay attention to your food

Hunger usually come without the predictable. You may feel hungry when trying to go to sleep. Try that you set mealtimes. Not until, a few hours before bed you spend on food 'weight' that contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates.
Also avoid drinking milk before bed, because it can increase the production of mucus in your mouth.

Try ways above and feel the change in yourself.

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